Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: James Baack

I just got an email from my buddy, Chicago area film maker, James Baack with a new retro style promo poster for his film "Dracula's Orgy of the Damned" attached.

Baack also included an update on the production in which he reveals that Dracula is not the only classic monster who will be appearing in his homage to Hammer horror.

"We have been doing alot of filming and are heading into the home strech at this point.

We have 4 more scenes to shoot and that will be a wrap.

We are planning a HUGE exorcism scene that will be chock full of special effects and way "over the top" visuals. Including a levitating bed and more vomit than a St. Patrick's Day party.

Then we need to shoot our 'cat fight' scene where Dracula will host a bizarre circus "freak Show" where women will fight with baseball bats, chainsaws, and other weapons of mass destruction in a dirty pit while the audience cheers and places bets. The scene will also include disturbing clowns, monkeys, and other mayhem.

We hope to get the entire project completed and pressed by September or October. (Just in time for Halloween.)

The film not only includes Dracula, but it also features Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, a werewolf, and enough ghouls to fill a barnyard."

Women fighting in a pit with baseball bats? Vomit filled exorcisms?

Oh God! You really gotta love James he knows how to make his films interesting and he always surprises you by pulling out all the stops.

I'm all in on this one!

See Also: New Behind The Scenes Photos From DRACULA'S ORGY OF THE DAMNED / New Teaser Art And Casting News For DRACULA'S ORGY OF THE DAMNED / Illusionist Ron Fitzgerald To Play The Vampire In DRACULA'S ORGY OF THE DAMNED / James Baack Pays Tribute To Hammer With DRACULA'S ORGY OF THE DAMNED / Bigfoot Movie News - Nightbeasts Premiere Info - The Bloody Rage Comes To DVD / It's Nuns With Guns In James Baack's THE SISTERS OF ST TOMMY GUN / THE BLOODY RAGE OF BIGFOOT - New DVD Deal And Website / The New Poster For James Baack's BLOODY RAGE OF BIGFOOT - Cast And Crew On MNBRT Radio / The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot - Preview Clips, Nasty Church Letters And Sequel News / The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot - Behind The Scenes Shots / And Yet....More Photos From 'The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot' / New Evidence Of The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot / James Baack Overcomes All Hurdles To Complete 'The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot' / The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot - Two Hot Girls On A Motorcycle / Baack's Hardcore Bigfoot Babes....With Guns! / The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot - Censored For Your Protection / Satantha And Loosey-Fur The Two Wicked Witches From The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot / Satantha Cuts Through The News - The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot / The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot (3D) - Beauty And The Beast....Well, More Like Beauty Is The Beast.. / The First Look At Demonfoot From The Bloody Rage Of Pigfoot...I Mean Bigfoot / The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot - New Trailer And Filming News / The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot - Bigfoot Revealed! / The First Image Of The Monster From The Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot

The First Image Of Caesar From RISE OF THE APES

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Obsessed With Film

When 20th Century Fox first announced way back in 2008 that they were planning to reboot the "Planet of the Apes" movie franchise using modern computer generated effects many in the fan community spoke out in objection. How would CGI Apes stand up against the legendary makeup effects created by John Chambers for the original films?

Well today we have our first glimpse of what the main character, Caesar, in "Rise of the Apes" will look like.

Fox revealed many images from their upcoming releases at the Las Vegas’ CinemaCon including the above image, albeit only the nose and eyes, of Andy Serkis as the genetically altered ape who will bring about the fall of mankind.

The apes in "Rise" are being digitally created by Weta Studios with hair effects by Columbia University’s Eitan Grinspun, who created brand-new state of the art animation software for the Disney animated feature "Tangled".

The look of the character has some flair of Chambers work ..... but then again ..... not really.

I guess the jury will be out until we get a good look at the whole design.

Pity, I really loved the look actual actors in ape make-up.

See Also: Digital Effects House Turns To Columbia Professor For "Rise Of The Apes" / The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #21 - #30 / Harry Potter Star Felton Cast In RISE OF THE APES / Brian Cox To Be The Bad Guy In RISE OF THE APES / Andy Serkis To Play Caesar In RISE OF THE APES / James Franco Cast In The New PLANET OF THE APES film / Planet of the Apes: Caesar Set To Begin Production In July / Scott Frank Plans To Take Planet Of The Apes In A New Direction / Is Fox Planning To Re-Boot The Planet Of The Apes? / Escape From The Planet Of The Apes (1971)(20th Century Fox) / Beneath The Planet Of The Apes (1970)(20th Century Fox) / Actress Profile - Linda Harrison / Planet Of The Apes (1974)(TV) / Planet Of The Apes (1968)

"Credible" Creature Sighting On Road In Pennsylvania?

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Examiner.com

With the media hype surrounding the obviously fake Bigfoot video that has emerged from North Carolina it isn't too surprising that an eyewitness report of a strange creature crossing the highway in Pennsylvania would slip under the radar.

Paranormal investigator and author Stan Gordon has come forward with the account of an unsuspecting motorist who witnessed a large creature crossing a rural road in Butler County, Pennsylvania, on March 18, 2011.

The witness, at first, believed that the animal in question was a deer until he got closer to it and the animal stood up from being hunched over and walked across the road on two legs. According to said witness the creature was at least eight-feet-tall, covered in leathery skin, and walked in a very non-human manor.

Over the decades some pretty crazy Bigfoot stories have come out of Pennsylvania, most of which involve the creatures emerging from UFOs or exhibiting magical powers. This case however seems to be of a different kind of creature all together and may deserve a proper investigation, which Stan Gorden has provided via an interview with the eyewitness.

From - www.stangordon.info

On March 21, 2011, I was contacted by a witness who reported having an encounter with a very strange creature during the early morning hours of March 18, 2011. The incident occurred on a rural road in Butler County between Chicora and East Brady. The witness, a businessman passing through the area, stated that “this was the freakiest thing I ever saw, and it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.”

The man told me that he was driving down the road when from about a qurter-mile away, he observed something on the right side in a grassy area. His first thought was that it was a deer. The driver stepped on the gas to move closer to get a better view. From about 50 yards away, he observed something that appeared to be hunched down, and then stood up. The driver then observed a very tall muscular creature.

At this point, the driver had his high beams on and watched as the creature walked in front of a yellow reflective road sign, then crossed the two lane road in three long steps and continued into a wooded area. What he saw was a humanoid figure that stood at least 8 feet tall that appeared to have smooth leather-like skin that was of either a darker tan or light brown color.

The creature never looked at the witness, and was only observed from its side. The head appeared to be flat in the front section, and then rounded out. “At the top back of skull, it was like one of those aerodynamic helmets. The top was not quite a point, but looked like a ridge on top of the head.” The face was flat, and the eyes were not clearly defined, but the man thought that they might have been pointed in the corner. The ear that was observed on the left side was long and flat, and came up and back and was pointed backwards like a flap.

The arms were muscular and a little longer than that of a human. The hands looked more like a claw, but the number of fingers was unclear. One physical trait that stood out was the extremely muscular legs. The witness stated that it was hard to explain, but the legs did not move like that of a human, and “looked like they bent backwards.” The witness also saw what appeared to be wings on its back which were tucked into its body, with the wing tips extending toward the side of its head.

No unusual sounds or smells were noticed during the observation which was estimated to have been about 7-8 seconds. As the motorist approached the location where the creature entered the woods, it could no longer be seen. The next day the witness decided to drive back to the location of the encounter to look for any evidence. The ground conditions were not suitable for tracks, and nothing was found. The witness did, however, measure the road sign that the creature had walked in front of. The sign was just over 8 feet high, and the head of the creature was estimated to have reached about 4 inches above the sign.

Now back to that "Knobby" video from North Carolina. If there has ever been an ultimate 'fake' Bigfoot video then this one would surely rank as numero uno. The contents of the video are as follows .... guy in ape suit from Target shuffles ..... not strides .... or even walks ... across road. Twenty-four seconds of your life wasted.

The fact that this video has even made the news wires is even more amazing. With all the decent Bigfoot video evidence out there today the main-stream media has, as usual, fixated itself on yet another fraud.

No wonder no one ever takes these reports seriously!

Here is the vid if you want to see how not to fake a Bigfoot video:

See Also:The First Look At SNOW BEAST Coming Soon To SyFy / A Quick Update On NIGHTBEASTS / Yet Another Yeti Movie - CLAWS / A New Bigfoot Movie In 3D From China? / Trailer Alert! THE MOUNTAIN WAILER / UNAWARE / Cole Bayford Serves Up A Little Bigfoot Australian Style In YOWIE / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #7) / Borrego Sandman / Speedway Monster - Updates - California The Monster State - Part 4 / The Fontana Speedway Monster (1951 - 1992) - California The Monster State - Part 3 / The Borrego Sandman (1939 - Present) - California The Monster State - Part 2 / Classic Tales From Cryptozoology - Mass Flying Dinosaur Sightings In Texas Circa 1976 / The Long Beach Sea Monster (1909) - California The Monster State - Part 1 / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #6) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #5) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #4) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #3) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #2) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #1) / Young Film Makers Taking On The Scottish Sasquatch In BROKEN SPECTRE / Bigfoot Movie News - Nightbeasts Premiere Info - The Bloody Rage Comes To DVD / Two Terrified Kids Unleash THE DEVIL AT LOST CREEK / Is It The Great Pumpkin? Or The MOMO Monster? / An Update On Jamie Belty, The LEGEND OF GRASSMAN Crew Member Who Was Assaulted With A Hammer / A Call Out To All Fans To Help THE LEGEND OF GRASSMAN Crew Member After Assualt / The New Poster For James Baack's BLOODY RAGE OF BIGFOOT - Cast And Crew On MNBRT Radio / Bigfoot Pummels Both Peter Graves And Mr Lobo / New Behind-The-Scenes Photos From Brian Jaynes BOGGY CREEK / Bill Barton's Modern Bigfoot/Western 'Blood Forest' Comes To DVD / Fred Olen Ray Jumps Into The Bigfoot Movie Craze With "Sasquatch vs Chupacabra" / New Toy Tuesday! A Sexy Princess, Ash, Bigfoot, The Mummy And The Starship Enterprise / Two New Clips From Jordan Blum's Bigfoot Horror, 'Savage'

Godzilla: Kaiju World Wars Board Game

Order Yours For Only $46.99 HERE!

Source: Entertainment Earth

Godzilla: Kaiju World Wars Board Game

It's an all-out brawl of monstrous proportions and Earth is the battlefield! The Xiliens have pitted Godzilla, Rodan, Gigan and King Ghidorah against each other in a catastrophic battle and only one monster will emerge victorious! In this Godzilla: Kaiju World Wars board game, players pick a monster and a scenario, stomping over terrain and destroying buildings on their warpath - all while fending off aggressive military attacks, bombs, traps and, of course, other Kaiju! Special abilities are used to eliminate the competition or to tuck their tail between their legs and run away before they are taken out. The game is jam-packed with pieces sure to please any gamer. Along with the 4 fully-painted 2 3/8-inch plastic Kaiju figurines, the game also includes 90 stackable plastic tiles for building skyscrapers, 4 individual monster playmats, 86 terrain and power tokens, and much more. You've never had so much fun ravaging the world as you will when you play Godzilla: Kaiju World Wars! Order yours today!

See Also: GODZILLA: KINGDOM OF MONSTERS #4 And GODZILLA: GANGSTERS AND GOLIATHS Coming In June / Is Legendary Pictures About To Hand GODZILLA Over To Del Toro? / Godzilla To Stomp On 70 Comic Book Stores This March / The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #10 - #1 / Godzilla Stomp Card Game / Gareth Edwards Talks About GODZILLA To The Press / Is There Going To Be A New "Japanese" Godzilla Movie In 2012? / Reflections On The Hiring Of Gareth Edwards As The Director of Godzilla / Gareth Edwards To Direct Legendary's Godzilla / More Info On GODZILLA MONSTER WORLD From IDW / Godzilla vs The Gryphon - Exclusive Art From Todd Tennant / Godzilla - 13-Inch Plush - Doll / Chinese Entertainment Co. Buys Share In Legendary Pictures / Godzilla Goes Prime-Time! - Godzilla vs Megalon On NBC In 1977 / Putting Legendary Pictures Godzilla 3D (2012) Into Perspective (Part 2) / Godzilla 2012: Brian Rogers On Legendary Pictures Film Plans / GODZILLA 2012 Producer Brian Rogers To Speak At 3D ENTERTAINMENT SUMMIT / It's GODZILLA Vs TUFFZILLA In Court / New Legendary Pictures GODZILLA Design To Be Revealed At Comic Con! / Arkansas Family Builds Ultimate GODZILLA Suit / Tim Burton On For MONSTERPOCALYPSE - Still In Line For GODZILLA? - More Film Details! / A Reason To Be Optimistic About Godzilla 3D (2012)? / Hot Off The Press! Page 77 Of Todd Tennant's "Godzilla 1994" Online Comic / Godzilla, Anguirus, And The Case Of The Missing Monster Suits / Godzilla 3-D, Godzilla 2012, Rumors And Misinformation Abound / What The Fans Want To See In An American Godzilla / Godzilla 2012 - Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros (Fan Group) / It's Official! A New Godzilla Movie Is Coming In 2012! / Get Ready With Your Finger Missiles And Robot Punch! The Shogun Warriors Are Coming To The Big Screen! / Japanese Uber Geekdome - Godzilla Related Cosplay & The Return Of The Life-Sized Gundam / "Godzilla 1985": 25th Anniversary

"Gorgo," England's Answer To Godzilla

by Armand Vaquer

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the U.S. release of the giant monster movie, Gorgo.

It was on March 29, 1961 that "England's answer to Godzilla" was put into general release around the country.

The story: A giant dinosaur-like monster is captured off the coast of Ireland. It is taken to Piccadilly Circus in London, England for exhibition as "Gorgo."

What people weren't aware of, until it was too late, the monster was a baby. Gorgo's mother appears in Ireland and then follows its scent and attacks London to retrieve her offspring in Japanese-style suitmation and miniature work.

Gorgo starred William Sylvester and Bill Travers. It was directed by Eugene Lourie.

I remember seeing Gorgo at the Rio Theater (located at Western Ave. and Imperial Highway in Los Angeles) with my cousins. It was paired with Babes In Toyland (the Annette Funicello/Frankie Avalon version, not the classic Laurel and Hardy one).

26 New Episodes Of FUTURAMA On Deck For Comedy Central

Source: Comedy Central

The future is looking bright for Fry, Leela and Bender!

COMEDY CENTRAL and Twentieth Century Fox Television have announced today the pick-up of 26 new episodes (Seasons "7- A" and "7-B") of Matt Groening and David X. Cohen's brilliantly subversive animated sci-fi comedy, "Futurama." The announcement was made today by Twentieth Century Fox Television Chairmen Gary Newman and Dana Walden, and David Bernath, Executive Vice President, program strategy and multiplatform programming for COMEDY CENTRAL. The first installment of 13 new episodes will premiere in the summer of 2012, with the additional 13 new episodes to air the following summer of 2013 on COMEDY CENTRAL.

Seven years after its last original episode aired on Fox, the sixth season premiere of "Futurama" last June led COMEDY CENTRAL to its best Thursday prime ever among young men. The animated sci-fi comedy continued its out-of-this-world winning streak throughout the summer, averaging 2.5 million viewers each week, along with a 1.5 P18-49 rating, a 3.0 M18-34 rating and 3.3 M18-24 rating. In the social media realm, the "Futurama" Facebook fan base has grown from one million "likes" prior to its return last summer to over 11 million "likes" today, making it one of the top television sites on Facebook.

"Successfully bringing the show back last summer was gratifying enough," said Bernath. "Now, being able to extend the series for two more years is beyond our expectations! The dedicated fans have spoken and we are excited to bring them 'Futurama' for the foreseeable future.""We're very grateful to COMEDY CENTRAL and Twentieth Television for this show of support," said Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. "Our entire staff will celebrate tonight by going out and getting even drunker.""Matt and David created one of the most brilliantly subversive animated comedies ever made in 'Futurama' and we consider its continued life on COMEDY CENTRAL to be a huge victory for this studio," commented TCFTV Chairmen Dana Walden and Gary Newman. "This show is a tremendous labor of love for all concerned, from its talented voice cast to the incredible writers and animators who pour so much of themselves into every episode. And its fans are among the most loyal and passionate there are, so we're especially pleased to be able to promise them many more original episodes to look forward to in the years ahead."

The show's entire original voice cast will be returning, including stars Billy West, Katey Sagal, and John DiMaggio. "It is my great honor to be back with all my friends and colleagues," said West. "There's nothing better."John DiMaggio commented, "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!"

"Futurama" was a staple of Fox's Sunday night animation block from 1999 to 2003 before ceasing production on original episodes. In June 2006, COMEDY CENTRAL acquired the rights to the existing 72 episodes of the series, which the channel began airing in January 2008 and four recently-produced extended-length "Futurama" adventures: "Bender's Big Score," "The Beast with a Billion Backs," "Bender's Game" and "Into the Wild Green Yonder," which enjoyed enormous success both on COMEDY CENTRAL and in DVD release.

"Futurama" is only the second series in the history of the medium to go back into production based on the strength of its DVD sales and repeat airings on cable.

"Futurama" focuses on the life of Philip Fry (Billy West), a 25 -year-old pizza delivery boy who accidentally freezes himself on December 31, 1999 and wakes up 1,000 years later with a fresh start at life and a "diverse" new group of friends including Leela (Katey Sagal), a tough but lovely one-eyed alien and Bender (John DiMaggio), a robot who possesses human characteristics and flaws.

The series aired for five seasons on Fox (1999 to 2003) earning Emmy® nominations each season while winning three times, including "Outstanding Animated Program" in 2002."

See Also: The Philosophy Of Fry / Futurama - Series 1 - Nibbler Plush Doll / Futurama - Rebirth Paper Giclee Print / FUTURAMA Hits The Century Mark! 100 Episodes And Still Going Strong! / FUTURAMA And Other Comedy Central Panels At Comic Con / The Triumphant Return Of FUTURAMA - Part 3 - Video Montage! / The Triumphant Return Of FUTURAMA - Part 2 - New Images / Storyboards! / The Triumphant Return Of FUTURAMA - New Images! / Four Brand New Images From FUTURAMA! / "We're Back Baby!" Futurama Cast Members Returning To Show! / Bad News Everyone! Futurama Voice Actors Unlikely To Return For New Series / Good News Everyone! Fox And Comedy Central Order 26 New Episodes Of Futurama / Wizard World Texas Scores The Premiere Of Futurama Bender’s Game / Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs Trailer / Futurama Series 2 Action Figure Set / Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs

Amy Adams Is The New Lois Lane

Source: Warner Bros

Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures announced today that Amy Adams will star in the coveted role of Lois Lane in the new Zack Snyder-directed feature film.

Snyder remarked, "Second only to Superman himself, the question of who will play Lois Lane is arguably what fans have been most curious about. So we are excited to announce the casting of Amy Adams, one of the most versatile and respected actresses in films today. Amy has the talent to capture all of the qualities we love about Lois: smart, tough, funny, warm, ambitious and, of course, beautiful."

Amy Adams will star opposite Henry Cavill, who plays the new Clark Kent/Superman in the film. The main cast also includes Diane Lane and Kevin Costner, as Martha and Jonathan Kent.

Amy Adams was recently honored with her third Oscar® nomination in five years, for her performance in the true-life drama "The Fighter," with Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale. She previously earned Oscar® nominations for her work in the acclaimed films "Doubt" and "Junebug." She has also starred in such diverse hits as "Enchanted," "Julie and Julia," "Charlie Wilson's War," and "Catch Me If You Can." She will next be seen in Walter Salles' "On the Road" with Viggo Mortensen and "The Muppets."

Charles Roven, Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Deborah Snyder are the producers of the film. The screenplay is being written by David S. Goyer based on a story by Goyer and Nolan. Thomas Tull and Lloyd Phillips are serving as executive producers.

The new Superman movie will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

See Also: Joanne Siegel's Plea To Time-Warner / Kevin Costner Cast As Jonathan Kent In SUPERMAN / Joanne Siegel, Widow of Superman Co-Creator, Dies At 93 / Thoughts On The Superman Re-Boot / The Top Monster / Sci Fi Stories Of 2010 / Zack Snyder To Helm New Superman Movie

UK Students To Create New DOCTOR WHO Adventure

Source: BBC

To herald the new series of Doctor Who, BBC Learning and Doctor Who Confidential today announced Script To Screen, an exciting competition that will give one lucky team of school children the chance to write their own Doctor Who mini-adventure starring the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith.

To win this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, school children aged 9 to 11 years will be encouraged to collaborate on a three-minute script that takes the resident Time Lord on a new quest travelling through space and time inside the TARDIS.

The lucky winners will travel to the BBC's studios in Cardiff where they will see their script brought to life by the Doctor Who team and cast, including Matt Smith.

Doctor Who Confidential will also be on hand to take viewers behind the scenes to show how the script gets developed from paper to television screen – from the first script meeting, a cast read-through, on-set filming... all the way to the final edit.

Saul Nassé, Controller of BBC Learning, said: "Doctor Who is loved by children across the UK, and I can think of no better programme to inspire the next generation of story tellers.

"The Script to Screen competition is a fantastic way for children to learn new writing skills, whether or not they are winners. We are delighted that the stellar cast and crew of Doctor Who are on board for this journey of learning through time and space."

Children can be as creative and imaginative as they like in order to put together a story that's filled with all the excitement and adventure of the popular BBC One sci-fi drama.

The action-packed script must feature Matt Smith and can include one of four fearsome monsters/aliens from the show: Ood, Judoon, Cyberman or Weeping Angel, as well as a brand new human character to test the wits of the Doctor.

Tailored learning resources will be available on the BBC Learning website to help guide teachers and pupils through the process.

BAFTA winner and head writer at Doctor Who, Steven Moffat, will also offer his expert advice and helpful tips on how to pull together a stand-out script with memorable characters.

Steven Moffat said: "Doctor Who made me want to write. It made me fall in love in television, script-writing and storytelling, and led me by the hand to the best job in the world. It also made me want to defend the Earth from aliens but that hasn't come up so often.

"I know the power this show has to set young imaginations alight, because I've lived it, so I'm incredibly excited to be involved in this project. Plus it's never too early to start looking for your replacement."

The winning script will be chosen by Steven Moffat, Saul Nassé and executive producers of Doctor Who, Piers Wenger and Beth Willis.

Full details of how to enter the competition are available on bbc.co.uk/teachers.

See Also: Doctor Who Flight Controlled TARDIS Vehicle / New DOCTOR WHO Online Fan Group Launches / Doctor Who - 10th Doctor (David Tennant) - Collage T-Shirt / The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #21 - #30 / The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #31 - #40 / The Next Season Of DOCTOR WHO Will Be Split In Two - Will Have A Mid-Season Cliffhanger / Daleks The Greatest Monsters Ever? Proof Positive That The Brits Don't Know Their Creatures / Doctor Who Visual Dictionary Updated 10th Edition Book / Johnny Depp Confirmed As The Big Screen Doctor? / Doctor Who vs The Yeti - Merry Christmas! / New Toy Wednesday! - 11 Doctors, Limited Edition Spock Kit, Gundam, Vampirella And Some Killer Anime Cleavage! / New Toy Tuesday! Classic Star Trek vs Classic Doctor Who, A Slave Girl & The Creature! / Karen Gillan Talks About Playing Amy Pond On Doctor Who / Doctor Who To Make A 'Whistle-Stop' Tour Of The UK / A New Doctor - A New Logo / John Simm Promises That Tennant's Doctor Will Get A 'Brilliant Send-Off' / A Sneak Peek At The The Ultimate Monster Guide And Other Doctor Who Tidbits / 'Four Weddings And A Funeral' Scribe Richard Curtis To Write For Doctor Who / The Name Is 'Who'......'Doctor Who' / Doctor Who Black And White Action Figures - Second Doctor & Cyberman / The First Look At The Animated Doctor Who From Dreamland / Doctor Who Star David Tennant Sends 'Postcard' From America / Doctor Who - Filming Begins For The 11th Doctor / Doctor Who: The Waters Of Mars - Sneak Preview / Euros Lyn To Helm Doctor Who Movie For 2011? / Torchwood: Children Earth Doctor Who On BBC America In July

A New Supernatural Horror THE FADES Coming To The BBC

Source: BBC

Filming has begun on The Fades, a new supernatural horror made by BBC Drama Production for BBC Three by 2011 RTS Award-winning writer, Jack Thorne (This Is England '86, Skins, The Scouting Book For Boys, Cast Offs).

Iain De Caestecker (River City, Coronation Street) is Paul, a young man who is haunted by apocalyptic dreams that neither his therapist or best friend, Mac, can provide answers for. Worse still, Paul is starting to see the Fades – the spirits of the dead – all around him.

They're everywhere but they can't be seen, smelt, heard or touched by living beings. But now an embittered and vengeful Fade has found a way to break the barrier between the dead and the living and Paul, Mac and their friends and family are all right in the eye of the storm.

But the most terrifying twist is yet to come – the fate of humanity rests in the hands of the two friends who already have enough trouble getting through a day in one piece, let alone saving the world.

Jack Thorne says: "The Fades was born from a trip into executive producer, Sue Hogg's office – she asked me what drama of the last ten years I wished I'd written – I said the American cable show Freaks & Geeks – I was wearing a Ghostbusters t-shirt, she said 'what about Freaks & Geeks meets Ghostbusters'. And I smiled and nodded enthusiastically. But the further we've gone along, and it's been five years since that meeting, the more seriously we've taken the fantasy and the mythology and so the comedy is subtler and a newer, fresher, hopefully more exciting show has emerged. I feel so lucky to be part of the team that's bringing it to the screen – everyone from our location manager to our FX supervisor are so committed and we have such an amazing cast – I'm quite literally in dreamland right now."

Key cast also include: Daniel Kaluuya (Skins, Psychoville, Sucker Punch) playing Mac. Tom Ellis (Miranda, Harley Street, Merlin) is Mark, a teacher under suspicion when his ex-wife Sarah is missing, feared dead. Johnny Harris (This is England '86, Spartacus) is Neil, a lone warrior against the forces of darkness, who becomes Paul's unlikely mentor. Daniela Nardini (This Life, A Street Car Named Desire) is Helen; like Paul she also has an extraordinary ability which will prove useful in the fight to save mankind. Lily Loveless (Skins) is Anna, Paul's twin sister, fierce and uncompromising, she finds being related to someone like Paul rather annoying; Claire Rushbrook (Ashes To Ashes) is Meg, Paul and Anna's mum; Theo Barklem-Biggs (Age Of Heroes, Miranda, EastEnders) is PC Phillip Firth; Jenn Murray (Day Of The Triffids) is Natalie and Sophie Wu (Kick-Ass, The Other Man) plays Jay.

Kate Harwood, BBC Controller Drama Series & Serials, adds: "The minute I read Jack Thorne's script I realised we were in exciting new territory. This is a vision of great imagination and I am thrilled that we have such a talented cast and that we have director Farren Blackburn and a brilliant team who can bring this vision to life... or half life!"

Currently in production for transmission later this year, The Fades (previously titled Touch) is a co-production with BBC America. The 6x60 minute series from BBC Drama Production was commissioned by Danny Cohen in his previous role as Controller, BBC Three and Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama Commissioning. The director is Farren Blackburn (Episodes 1-3) and Tom Shankland (Episodes 4-6); the producer is Caroline Skinner and executive producer is Susan Hogg.

See Also: TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY To Premiere July 8th On Starz / BEING HUMAN Returning To BBC Three For Season Four / Your Invited To Frankenstein's Wedding /

Star Wars Legacy - Darth Talon Statue Sculpture

Order Yours For Only $224.99 HERE!

Source: Entertainment Earth

Star Wars Legacy Darth Talon Statue Sculpture

  • Hot (but evil) collectible 12-inch resin Sith Lord statue!
  • From the Legacy comic series in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
  • Darth Talon in tattoos and bikini armor with a unique lightsaber.
  • She's evil, and yes, she'll go there!
It's the return of Darth Talon, Sith Vixen! A fan favorite and popular character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Darth Talon is cold, dispassionate and unmerciful, yet has an unshakable loyalty to the dark side. Much like the infamous Darth Maul, Talon was styled with black Sith tattoos covering her body from head to toe, each having been earned in ritual combat and inscribed by her Sith mentor... whom she killed. This expertly crafted, 1:6 scale statue features Talon's unique lightsaber and hand-painted tattoos. Standing roughly 6-inches tall, the collectible comes individually numbered with a matching certificate of authenticity. Limited edition.

Based on the long-running comic book series, the Star Wars Legacy Darth Talon Statue Sculpture is incredible! Posed using the Force and gripping her red lightsaber, this tattooed hottie is ready to slice, dice, and destroy in the name of the Sith Empire. Don't turn your back on her... but do make it a point to admire the excellent sculpting from Gentle Giant Studios!

Hey she sure is more interesting than Darth Sploder!

See Also: Star Wars - R2-D2 Interactive Astromech Droid / Star Wars - Boba Fett Evolution - Paper Giclee Print / Star Wars - Deluxe AT-AT Vehicle - Playset / Star Wars - Slave Leia In Her Metal Bikini - Mini Bust/ George Lucas Moving Forward With STAR WARS 3D Films / Star Wars - 4 Piece Glass Set / Star Wars - Chewbacca Jumbo Vintage Kenner Action Figure / Star Wars - Scout Trooper Collector Helmet / The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #61 - #70 / Hey! Don't Molest The Princess! Especially If She Is A Celebrity / Is The STAR WARS Television Series Dead? / The Latest Issue Of STAR WARS INSIDER Free Online / Star Wars - A New Hope - Full Size Wall Mural / Star Wars - Boba Fett Bust / Bank / Star Wars - Slave Leia In Her Metal Bikini - Mini Bust / Star Wars Deluxe AT-AT Vehicle / Star Wars News - TomTom GPS, More Robot Chicken And Darth Vader Banned From Conventions / Star Wars - Death Trooper / Zombie Stormtrooper Bust / New STAR WARS TV And Movie Series To Be UNLEASHED? / Darth Vader Had Emotional Problems ...... Ya Think? / An Idea That Is Way Overdue - Star Wars Themed Lingerie! / Spaceballs (1987)(MGM) / Lucas Begins Casting The Star Wars TV Series / Hey! Remember Mark, The Yoda Puppet Costs More Than You Do! / Can You Believe Someone Dropped $10,000 On Star Wars Collectibles?!! / EE Exclusive Star Wars Holiday Edition Jawas Action Figures / Darth Vader Invades Japan / Star Wars R2-D2 Interactive Astromech Droid / Star Wars Exclusive Ecliptic Evader TIE Fighter With Hobbie / Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith Trailer / Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)(Warner Bros) /Star Wars: The Clone Wars - What Are The Clone Wars? / Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Designing A New Galaxy /Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Lucas And Filoni Talk About The Film / Interview - Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca Speaks!) / Famous People Talk About Star Wars

Joanne Siegel's Plea To Time-Warner

by Armand Vaquer

Above, former DC Comics President Paul Levitz and Joanne Siegel in 2001. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The fight over the rights to the Superman character has been ongoing for years. Joanne Siegel, the widow of Superman co-creator Jerome Siegel, died of heart failure in a Los Angeles hospital at age 93 on February 12.

Last December 10, Mrs. Siegel wrote a letter to Jeffrey L. Bewkes, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Time Warner Inc. It is unclear if she actually sent it (the article says she "prepared" it).

It is a very touching letter and it expressed hope that a resolution for all parties could be reached without further enriching the attorneys.

To read Joanne Siegel's letter, go here.

Right, an early-1960s issue of Superman.

Rondo Awards Vote Results To Be Revealed Wednesday Night

by Armand Vaquer

The voting for the 9th Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards ended last night at midnight.

Thanks to those of you who voted for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan (Best Book) and Monster Island News (Best Blog).

David Colton, the Rondo's man-in-charge, posted the following at the Classic Horror Film Board (CHFB) forum:

The voting is over.

More than 2,900 people voted this year, about the same as the last two years, in the NINTH ANNUAL RONDO HATTO CLASSIC HORROR AWARDS. Thanks to everyone, whether you voted in one category or many.

Tallying the final results -- I still need to collate it all -- will take a little time, as will uploading photos and images, so the plan is:

-- As is tradition, CHFB members will be the first to know as the results are revealed, category by category, in a live chat in the Blind Hermit's Hut here at the CHFB. Time: 10 p.m. ET, Wednesday night.

-- An hour later, at 11 p.m. ET Wednesday night, full results and press release will be posted here and at rondoaward.com.

-- We hope to giive out a few statuettes at Monsterpalooza in two weeks, but the bulk will be awarded at WonderFest during the annual Rondo Awards Ceremony in Louisville on May 15 (5 p.m.).

Some winners are obvious, but other contests are so close I still won't know who won until I add up the various count sheets. So even I may be surprised.

Again, thanks to all and be here Wednesday night at 10 p.m. ET for the exciting reveal!

Check the links (above) Wednesday night to see who the winners are!

The First Look At SNOW BEAST Coming Soon To SyFy

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Marie Wilcox / SunWorld Pictures

Did any of you believe for one second that the Bigfoot movie craze was coming to a halt? Really?

Well I've got great news. There is yet another Yeti movie ready to come charging out of the woods entitled "Snow Beast" which is slated to debut on the SyFy Channel in the near future.

The film stars John Schneider (Them Dukes, them Dukes .... okay Dukes of Hazzard), Danielle Chuchran, Paul D. Hunt, Kari Hawker and Jason London who literally running for their lives from a really pissed off Wampa (watch the trailer .... the monster is the Wampa from Empire Strikes Back) who is on one hell of a blood-thirsty bender.

When I say pissed off ..... I mean PISSED OFF. This Wookie (okay another Star Wars reference ... I'm on a role) is pulling snow bunnies out of cars and throwing guys against trees. Kinda makes the Fouke Monster from "Boggy Creek" look like a pansy.

According to the folks over at SunWorld Pictures what they were aiming for in "Snow Beast" was something a little more retro. According to Marie Wilcox, "Snow Beast is reminiscent of the old-school 'creature features.' Very little CGI effects are contained in the film. Cast members performed their own stunts making for a good time on set as we threw people through the air, dragged them through snow, launched them off snow mobiles, and dropped them into snow caves."

And who doesn't want to see John Schneider get launched right?

I'm at least glad to here that the production went away from CGI. By now you know how I think that medium is being abused ..... I'm looking at you George Lucas ....

Do I think that the Bigfoot movie craze will ever end? Well, if you asked me a year ago I would have said yes, but now .... no way. As long as there are giant unknown apes running around in our woodland areas there will be movie makers willing to make horror movies about them attacking Indians, teenage girls, witches, and TV stars from the 70s.

"Snow Beast" will air on the SyFy Channel this year with a DVD, digital download, and video on demand release coming afterword.

Follow "Snow Beast" on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/snowbeast

"Snow Beast" trailer and photos:

See Also:A Quick Update On NIGHTBEASTS / Yet Another Yeti Movie - CLAWS / A New Bigfoot Movie In 3D From China? / Trailer Alert! THE MOUNTAIN WAILER / UNAWARE / Cole Bayford Serves Up A Little Bigfoot Australian Style In YOWIE / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #7) / Borrego Sandman / Speedway Monster - Updates - California The Monster State - Part 4 / The Fontana Speedway Monster (1951 - 1992) - California The Monster State - Part 3 / The Borrego Sandman (1939 - Present) - California The Monster State - Part 2 / Classic Tales From Cryptozoology - Mass Flying Dinosaur Sightings In Texas Circa 1976 / The Long Beach Sea Monster (1909) - California The Monster State - Part 1 / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #6) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #5) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #4) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #3) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #2) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #1) / Young Film Makers Taking On The Scottish Sasquatch In BROKEN SPECTRE / Bigfoot Movie News - Nightbeasts Premiere Info - The Bloody Rage Comes To DVD / Two Terrified Kids Unleash THE DEVIL AT LOST CREEK / Is It The Great Pumpkin? Or The MOMO Monster? / An Update On Jamie Belty, The LEGEND OF GRASSMAN Crew Member Who Was Assaulted With A Hammer / A Call Out To All Fans To Help THE LEGEND OF GRASSMAN Crew Member After Assualt / The New Poster For James Baack's BLOODY RAGE OF BIGFOOT - Cast And Crew On MNBRT Radio / Bigfoot Pummels Both Peter Graves And Mr Lobo / New Behind-The-Scenes Photos From Brian Jaynes BOGGY CREEK / Bill Barton's Modern Bigfoot/Western 'Blood Forest' Comes To DVD / Fred Olen Ray Jumps Into The Bigfoot Movie Craze With "Sasquatch vs Chupacabra" / New Toy Tuesday! A Sexy Princess, Ash, Bigfoot, The Mummy And The Starship Enterprise / Two New Clips From Jordan Blum's Bigfoot Horror, 'Savage' / 'Savage' To Premiere At Horrorfind Weekend In Maryland


Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: IDW Publishing

A couple of weeks ago I was able to get a hold of some images from the upcoming issues of "Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters" from a fan in the Godzilla 2012 - Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros (Fan Group)on Facebook. Today I have a couple of images straight from the source, IDW Publishing that is, with a small synopsis of each.

Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #4

Eric Powell & Tracy Marsh (w) • Phil Hester (a) • Eric Powell, Jeff Zornow (c)

France is in danger when the mysterious egg that washes ashore begins to hatch, but should the military be worried about what's inside the egg or those creepy kids who found it? Also, a community of monks has a religious experience of the 3-headed variety. And all the while, Godzilla seems hell-bent on coming to America...but hasn't Anguirus already claimed it as his turf? Fight! Fight! Fight!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Godzilla: Gangsters & Goliaths #1 (of 5)

John Layman (w) • Alberto Ponticelli (a) • Geof Darrow, Alberto Ponticelli (c)

Detective Makoto Sato is on an unrelenting quest to bring down the Takahashi crime syndicate. Sato's efforts earn him a one-way trip to a tropical getaway, courtesy of the Tokyo criminal underworld. The exotic locale?

MONSTER ISLAND! Alone and facing death at the hands of both gangsters and goliaths, Sato must use his wits to survive—and enlist the aid of some most unusual friends. Join superstar creators John Layman (Chew) and Alberto Ponticelli (Unknown Soldier) for this unusual and exciting miniseries!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Looks like some more giant monster insanity from IDW this June!

See Also:
Is Legendary Pictures About To Hand GODZILLA Over To Del Toro? / Godzilla To Stomp On 70 Comic Book Stores This March / The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #10 - #1 / Godzilla Stomp Card Game / Gareth Edwards Talks About GODZILLA To The Press / Is There Going To Be A New "Japanese" Godzilla Movie In 2012? / Reflections On The Hiring Of Gareth Edwards As The Director of Godzilla / Gareth Edwards To Direct Legendary's Godzilla / More Info On GODZILLA MONSTER WORLD From IDW / Godzilla vs The Gryphon - Exclusive Art From Todd Tennant / Godzilla - 13-Inch Plush - Doll / Chinese Entertainment Co. Buys Share In Legendary Pictures / Godzilla Goes Prime-Time! - Godzilla vs Megalon On NBC In 1977 / Putting Legendary Pictures Godzilla 3D (2012) Into Perspective (Part 2) / Godzilla 2012: Brian Rogers On Legendary Pictures Film Plans / GODZILLA 2012 Producer Brian Rogers To Speak At 3D ENTERTAINMENT SUMMIT / It's GODZILLA Vs TUFFZILLA In Court / New Legendary Pictures GODZILLA Design To Be Revealed At Comic Con! / Arkansas Family Builds Ultimate GODZILLA Suit / Tim Burton On For MONSTERPOCALYPSE - Still In Line For GODZILLA? - More Film Details! / A Reason To Be Optimistic About Godzilla 3D (2012)? / Hot Off The Press! Page 77 Of Todd Tennant's "Godzilla 1994" Online Comic / Godzilla, Anguirus, And The Case Of The Missing Monster Suits / Godzilla 3-D, Godzilla 2012, Rumors And Misinformation Abound / What The Fans Want To See In An American Godzilla / Godzilla 2012 - Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros (Fan Group) / It's Official! A New Godzilla Movie Is Coming In 2012! / Get Ready With Your Finger Missiles And Robot Punch! The Shogun Warriors Are Coming To The Big Screen! / Japanese Uber Geekdome - Godzilla Related Cosplay & The Return Of The Life-Sized Gundam / "Godzilla 1985": 25th Anniversary / All Monsters Attack (aka Godzilla's Revenge)(1969)(Toho)

CLASH OF THE TITANS 2 Begins Production

Source: Warner Bros

Principal photography has begun on Warner Bros. Pictures' and Legendary Pictures' epic action adventure sequel to "Clash of the Titans," being directed by Jonathan Liebesman ("Battle: Los Angeles"). Returning to star in the film are Sam Worthington ("Avatar") as Perseus, and Academy Award® nominees Ralph Fiennes ("The English Patient," the "Harry Potter" films) as Hades and Liam Neeson ("Schindler's List," "Unknown") as Zeus.

A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kraken, Perseus—the demigod son of Zeus—is attempting to live a quieter life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year old son, Helius.

Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by humanity's lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos, father of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. The triumvirate had overthrown their powerful father long ago, leaving him to rot in the gloomy abyss of Tartarus, a dungeon that lies deep within the cavernous underworld.

Perseus cannot ignore his true calling when Hades, along with Zeus' godly son, Ares (Edgar Ramírez), switch loyalty and make a deal with Kronos to capture Zeus. The Titans' strength grows stronger as Zeus' remaining godly powers are siphoned, and hell is unleashed on earth.

Enlisting the help of the warrior Queen Andromeda (Rosamund Pike), Poseidon's demigod son, Argenor (Toby Kebbell), and fallen god Hephaestus (Bill Nighy), Perseus bravely embarks on a treacherous quest into the underworld to rescue Zeus, overthrow the Titans and save mankind.

Jonathan Liebesman directs the film from a screenplay by Dan Mazeau & David Leslie Johnson and Steven Knight, story Greg Berlanti & David Leslie Johnson & Dan Mazeau, based on the 2010 hit "Clash of the Titans" and the 1981 film of the same name, written by the late Beverley Cross.

The film is produced by Basil Iwanyk ("The Town"), who also produced the previous "Clash of the Titans," and Polly Cohen Johnsen ("Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore"). The executive producers are Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni, William Fay, Callum McDougall, Kevin De La Noy and Louis Leterrier.

Joining Worthington, Fiennes and Neeson in the international cast are Danny Huston ("Robin Hood"), reprising his role as Poseidon, god of the sea; Edgar Ramírez ("The Bourne Ultimatum," TV miniseries "Carlos") as the traitorous god of war, Ares; Bill Nighy ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1") as Hephaestus, whose twisted, lame figure belies his Olympian origins; Toby Kebbell ("Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time") as Agenor, imprisoned thief and son of Poseidon who joins Perseus on his journey to Tartarus; and Rosamund Pike ("Barney's Version") as Andromeda, the princess whose life Perseus once saved, and who now, as a queen, follows Perseus into battle.

The behind-the-scenes team bringing this mythical epic to life includes director of photography Ben Davis ("The Rite," "Kick Ass"); production designer Charles Wood ("The Italian Job," "The A-Team"); Academy Award®-winning editor Martin Walsh ("Chicago," "V for Vendetta"); and costume designer Jany Temime (the "Harry Potter" films). "Clash of the Titans 2" also reunites several talents from the previous film, including Oscar®-nominated visual effects supervisor Nick Davis ("The Dark Knight,"); Oscar®-nominated prosthetics supervisor Conor O'Sullivan ("The Dark Knight," "Saving Private Ryan"); and Academy Award®-winning special effects and animatronics supervisor Neil Corbould ("Gladiator"). Also on board are Oscar®-nominated makeup designer Paul Engelen ("Frankenstein," "Robin Hood") and hair designer Kevin Alexander ("Robin Hood," "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian").

"Clash of the Titans 2" will be filming in studios outside London and will later shoot on location in Surrey, South Wales and in the Spanish Canary Islands on the island of Tenerife. The film is currently scheduled for release in March 2012.

See Also: Clash Of The Titans Director Leterrier Gunning For A Trilogy / Sneak Previews For Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part 1, Jonah Hex, A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Losers & The Book Of Eli - Release Dates! / A Special Sneak Preview Of Clash Of The Titans / Clash Of The Titans Filming Starts

Sucker Punch - Amber Statue Limited Edition Sculpture

Order Yours Today For Only $249.99 HERE!

Source: Entertainment Earth

Sucker Punch Amber Statue Limited Edition Sculpture

  • This Sucker Punch Amber Statue is hot, armed, and dangerous!
  • Fantastic figure from the Sucker Punch movie by Zack Snyder.
  • Limited edition sculpture of flight-pilot specialist Amber, played by actress Jamie Chung.
  • 18-inches tall, with film-accurate details and authentic accessories.
  • At last, a collectible that's as crazy hot as she is crazy!
This Sucker Punch Amber Statue is hot, armed, and dangerous! You won’t believe your eyes when you see these girls kick some serious butt in Zack Snyder’s film Sucker Punch! Flight-pilot specialist Amber (played by actress Jamie Chung) is sculpted with precision details and hand painted by professional artisans. The expertly crafted, large-scale Sucker Punch Amber Statue stands an amazing 18-inches tall and features film-accurate details that include a realistic scaled hand gun, clear-cast lollipop, authentic flight-suit costuming, and a remarkable character likeness. This Amber sculpture is a true showpiece for collectors with discerning tastes and an eye for excellence. Cast in high-quality polystone, the strictly limited edition collectible is sure to impress!

Zack Snyder (director of Dawn of the Dead, Watchmen and 300) has described Sucker Punch as "Alice in Wonderland with machine guns," including dragons, B-25 bombers, giant mech suits, and armies of undead German soldiers!

Sucker Punch, set in the 1950s, tells the story of Baby Doll (Emily Browning), who is trying to hide from the pain caused by her evil stepfather while imprisoned in a mental institution in which she starts to imagine an alternate reality. She plans to escape from that imaginary world, but to do that she needs to steal five objects before she is captured by an unknown adversary. In order to cope with her new stressful situation, she enters the hyper-real world of her imagination, and the lines between reality and dream begin to blur. Lessons learned in this fantasy world could help Baby Doll and her four friends escape their real-world fate.

See Also: SUCKER PUNCH - Preparing For Battle / SUCKER PUNCH - Bringing Fantasy Worlds To Life / New Photos From SUCKER PUNCH / Sucker Punch - Babydoll - Statue

1950s Sci-Fi Presentation Added To Monsterpalooza

by Armand Vaquer

A presentation on 1950s science-fiction movies has been added to the opening day (April 8) Friday night line-up of Monsterpalooza:

(Click on image to view larger.)

The presentation features Bill Warren, Ted Newsom and "Mr. Dino" himself, Donald F. Glut.

Above, Don Glut and Armand in 2007.

It will take place following my presentation on Japanese monster locations, but in the AFM room at 9:00 PM at the Burbank Marriott Hotel and Convention Center.

For more information on Monsterpalooza, go here.

Rondo Awards Voting Extended

The voting for the 9th Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards has been extended one more day.

David Colton has extended the voting to midnight tomorrow night (wherever you are).

To vote, go here.

Monsterpalooza Two Weeks From Now

by Armand Vaquer

(Click on image to view larger.)

The presentation of Japanese monster movie locations, "Scene To Seen" for Monsterpalooza is taking shape. I've assembled about 90% of the photographs I plan to use during the one-hour presentation on Friday, April 8 at 8:00 PM (exactly two weeks from tonight). Mark your calendars!

I was stuck at home waiting for a phone call on an insurance claim matter the other day, so I put the time to excellent use working on the presentation.

The presentation is based on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan, which will be available before and after the presentation. I will be assisted by model Miki Hayashi (below). I will be following Peter H. Brothers' presentation on Godzilla director Ishiro Honda.

Monsterpalooza will be held on April 8-10 at the Burbank Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, which is located across the street from Bob Hope Airport in Burbank at 2500 Hollywood Way.

There will be plenty of things for kaiju fans and non-kaiju fans at Monsterpalooza this year. The original Godzilla, Haruo Nakajima will be in attendance and will have his autobiography available. Also, giclees poster prints celebrating Nakajima's career will be available. The full amount of these giclees will be going directly to the Japan Society's Earthquake Relief Fund.

It is shaping up to be a great show just like the first two previous Monsterpaloozas. It is the best monster and horror show I've ever been to. Do yourself a great favor and attend!

For more information on Monsterpalooza, go to their official website.