Does A New Video From Alaska Show Bigfoot?

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Cryptomundo

I'm sorry that I haven't posted very many stories from the world of Cryptozoology lately, but my time to concentrate on the topic has been limited due to all the new movie news coming out lately.

This one really grabbed my attention though, and I really wanted to spend a couple of minutes on it.

The video above seems to show what looks like a Bigfoot moving very quickly through the woods. We don't get a very good look at the object that moves from left to right in the sequence, but it appears to be walking on two legs and covered with brown shaggy fur. If you look real close, the animal, or whatever it is, kinda looks like the Sasquatch from the infamous Roger Patterson film, but then again that is a stretch.

I think that my mind may be filling in the gaps here.

The voices that we here during the clip do sound genuinely scared/freaked out by the encounter so that may add some credibility to the clip but it's hard to say for sure.

Here is the account of the sighting from the eyewitness (putua76):

"I was on a logging road in Ketchikan hiking with my friend when I saw it! Boy did my heart start racing!! It was about 40 yards from the road! Not sure if it knew I was there or not, because the noise of flowing water from the stream. It seemed to travel fast! It made my hair stand up!! At one point you can see a whitish yellowish thing in it's hand! I believe it was skunk cabbage. Not sure, but it is in bloom.

You see it jump and after that point it just seems to disappear. There was a lot of brush and trees between it and I, I could not tell where it had gone. It was a scary sort of exciting feeling at the same time!! We went to search for tracks but the river bed where we thought it was walking was full of perfect skiping rocks, we found no prints! If there is a BigFoot, Sasquatch, or Kushtaka I swear I saw him!!"

Overall, the fact that we see very little of the alleged Sasquatch makes it hard to tell whether what we are truly witnessing is the real deal or a hoax?

Regardless, it's a pretty damn cool video!


This may be the quickest update in the history of MIN!

I just found an "enhanced" version of the clip on Youtube.

Even "enhanced" it's just too hard to tell if it's Sasquatch, a bear, a hunter or crazy uncle Jeb running around out there.

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