40 Years of "Godzilla vs. Hedorah": The Men Who Played Godzilla and Hedorah

by Armand Vaquer

Above, Kenpachiro Satsuma (Hedorah) and Haruo Nakajima (Godzilla) take a break during the filming of "Godzilla vs. Hedorah." This still was signed by both actors. From the personal collection of Armand Vaquer.

As posted previously, July marks 40 years since the release of Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971) in Japan.

I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the two men who gave it their all in their portrayals of Godzilla and his foe, Hedorah.

Above, Kenpachiro Satsuma (left) and Haruo Nakajima share a laugh in Hollywood 29 years after making "Godzilla vs. Hedorah." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I had the good fortune to first meet Kenpachiro Satsuma (Hedorah) and Haruo Nakajima (Godzilla) at G-FEST 2000 in Hollywood. Since then, I have gotten to know Mr. Nakajima well and attended a dinner party in the Nakano section of Tokyo with Mr. Satsuma in 2001, following the premiere of Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack at the Tokyo International Film Festival. Both men are some of the nicest people I've ever met in show business.

Satsuma played Hedorah and other monsters before he took over the Godzilla role in 1984 in Return of Godzilla (a.k.a. Godzilla 1985). His stint as Godzilla ended with Godzilla vs. Destoroyah in 1995.

Above, the Bandai Hedorah toy I bought during my 2007 Japan vacation.

Nakajima's appearance of Godzilla in Godzilla vs. Hedorah was second to the last before his retirement from the role. He began his run as Godzilla in the original 1954 feature. His last appearance as Godzilla was in the following year's Godzilla vs. Gigan. Nakajima published an autobiography of his life and career in Japan last year. He is now a spry 82-year-old.

A tip of the cap to both men and domo arigato gozaimasu!

What's Next Up For The Mouse Factory? You Guessed It ... A Bigfoot Movie!

Written By: Ken Hulsey

It seems that the lure of the Bigfoot movie craze is just too much for any movie maker or movie studio to resist ..... even Disney. Move over Mickey, take a seat Jack Sparrow, there's a new property about to be exploited and thy name is Sasquatch ..... well The Yeti to be precise. Yes, since "Pirates of the Caribbean" has become such a huge movie franchise Disney has taken a good look around their theme park for another movie sensation and zeroed in on The Matterhorn.

And what monster pops out at you on The Matterhorn ride? The Yeti. So what monster is going to be the antagonist in the movie based on the ride?


So far the film is in early development but what is known about the script sounds alot like "Escape to Witch Mountain" meets "The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas". A group of five kids are mysteriously drawn to the top of the mountain by a group of Yetis. What the monsters want with the kids at this point is anybodies guess ..... but I'm sure there is a gift shop up there.

Justin Springer (Tron: Legacy) will be producing the film (tentatively entitled "The Hill") from a script by Jason Dean Hall (Spread).

See Also: We Go From BLAIR WITCH To BIGFOOT In EXISTS / Real Or Hoax? Youtube Videos From The Other Side (05/28/2011) / New Yowie Sighting Sparks Interest In Australian Bigfoot / Does A New Video From Alaska Show Bigfoot? / This New Bigfoot Clip Is ABOMINABLE / Animal Planet Announces New Series - FINDING BIGFOOT / Bigfoot News - NIGHT CLAWS And The Face Of Sasquatch On Video?/ "Credible" Bigfoot Sighting On Road In Pennsylvania / A Quick Update On NIGHTBEASTS /Yet Another Yeti Movie - CLAWS /The First Look At SNOW BEAST Coming Soon To SyFy /A New Bigfoot Movie In 3D From China?/ Trailer Alert! THE MOUNTAIN WAILER / UNAWARE / Cole Bayford Serves Up A Little Bigfoot Australian Style In YOWIE / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #7) / Borrego Sandman / Speedway Monster - Updates - California The Monster State - Part 4 / The Fontana Speedway Monster (1951 - 1992) - California The Monster State - Part 3 / The Borrego Sandman (1939 - Present) - California The Monster State - Part 2 / Classic Tales From Cryptozoology - Mass Flying Dinosaur Sightings In Texas Circa 1976 / The Long Beach Sea Monster (1909) - California The Monster State - Part 1 / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #6) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #5) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #4) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #3) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #2) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #1)/ Young Film Makers Taking On The Scottish Sasquatch In BROKEN SPECTRE / Bigfoot Movie News - Nightbeasts Premiere Info - The Bloody Rage Comes To DVD / Two Terrified Kids Unleash THE DEVIL AT LOST CREEK / Is It The Great Pumpkin? Or The MOMO Monster? / An Update On Jamie Belty, The LEGEND OF GRASSMAN Crew Member Who Was Assaulted With A Hammer

40 Years of "Godzilla vs. Hedorah"

by Armand Vaquer

Seven years ago, the 50th anniversary of Godzilla (1954) was celebrated.

Part of that celebration included the DVD release by Columbia-TriStar Home Entertainment of Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971), along with several other Godzilla movies.

Suddenly, next month marks the 40th anniversary of the release of Godzilla vs. Hedorah in Japan on July 24, 1971. It was released the following year in the United States as Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster.

This is the famous (or infamous, depending upon one's point-of-view) movie in which Godzilla curls up his tail and uses his atomic breath as a rocket engine to fly (!) after Hedorah. Director Yoshimitsu Bannai added the flying scenes to "lighten up" an otherwise dark movie. This was Banno's message movie on pollution.

Right, Yoshimitsu Banno at a dinner party in Roppongi, Tokyo in 2004. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The movie is quirky in other ways besides the flying sequences. It also contains animated sequences whose intent was to drive home the dangers of pollution along with strange music motifs and bizarre editing.

Tomoyuki Tanaka, the producer of the Godzilla series, was in the hospital at the time Hedorah was made. When he finally saw the finished movie, he reportedly said that Banno ruined the Godzilla series and was determined to never allow Banno to direct another Godzilla movie. This may or may not be a true story. Banno refuted this at G-FEST a few years ago.

Godzilla vs. Hedorah has risen in G-fandom's esteem over the years. The U.S. version (Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster) was featured in the 1978 book The Fifty Worst Films of All Time.

To this day, Godzilla vs. Hedorah remains an odd entry in the entire series of Godzilla movies. At least one can't say it's dull.

Happy 40th anniversary!

About That Poster...

by Armand Vaquer

Avery Guerra, who has been a good source for "inside" information on the Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros. Godzilla movie project, has this to say about the Godzilla 2012 poster:

I'll squash this before it get's any further. The poster and website are fake. They're just some elaborate prank, fan made, and nothing more. I've checked with a source close to the production and have now had this debunked. I'm sure we'll probably be seeing more such hoaxes up until the time L.P. decides to start releasing materials.

I had my doubts on the poster, but I figured I'd put it out there for everyone to see. At least it got the message boards buzzing for a little while.

Looks like we'll have to wait for the real thing.

New Japanese GODZILLA Video And Manga Bonanza!

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Youtube / Godzilla Gao

You really have to give these (unknown) Japanese Godzilla fans alot of credit. Not only have they built an exact replica of the Godzilla suit from "Mothra vs Godzilla" (Godzilla vs The Thing) but they also run a very cool G site called "Godzilla Gao" and ink a very cool G themed manga (comic) called "Monster's Territory".

Wew! That's some real devotion to the "King of Monsters" there.

Now their website is all in Japanese so I really couldn't find out very much about them, but from what English text the group posted along with their latest video, which is great by the way, I gather that they have been working on their Godzilla suit for 11 years.

11 years!

Well from the video it looks like it's completed and it looks really spot on to the one worn by Haruo Nakajima in the film. The group has also created a really cool King Ghidorah puppet for Big G to interact with.

My advice. Legendary Pictures outta give these guys a look up.

I'm just saying.

Here is the video, plus some older ones of the Godzilla suit being worked on:

Here are a couple of pages from "Monster's Territory":

Here are links to their sites:

See Also: Godzilla 2012 Poster: Real or Fake? /Dean Devlin Finally Takes Credit For GODZILLA (GINO) Failure / Godzilla Gangsters and Goliaths #1 San Diego Comic Con Varient / Godzilla - Kreeeang Silver T-Shirt / Loathing "King Kong vs. Godzilla"? / GODZILLA To Get Spoofed In NOTZILLA: DUKE OF THE MONSTERS / "Godzilla, King of the Monsters!" 55 Years Ago /IDW Releases Info On GODZILLA Comics For July / IDW Launches GODZILLA: KINGDOM OF MONSTERS eBay Auction To Aide Japan / GODZILLA: KINGDOM OF MONSTERS #4 And GODZILLA: GANGSTERS AND GOLIATHS Coming In June / Is Legendary Pictures About To Hand GODZILLA Over To Del Toro / Godzilla To Stomp On 70 Comic Book Stores This March / What Was It Like To Play Godzilla, King Kong, Rodan, Mothra ......? / Godzilla: Kaiju World Wars Board Game / The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #10 - #1 / Godzilla Stomp Card Game / Gareth Edwards Talks About GODZILLA To The Press / Is There Going To Be A New "Japanese" Godzilla Movie In 2012? / Reflections On The Hiring Of Gareth Edwards As The Director of Godzilla / Gareth Edwards To Direct Legendary's Godzilla/ More Info On GODZILLA MONSTER WORLD From IDW / Godzilla vs The Gryphon - Exclusive Art From Todd Tennant / Godzilla - 13-Inch Plush - Doll / Chinese Entertainment Co. Buys Share In Legendary Pictures / Godzilla Goes Prime-Time! - Godzilla vs Megalon On NBC In 1977 / Putting Legendary Pictures Godzilla 3D (2012) Into Perspective (Part 2) /Godzilla 2012: Brian Rogers On Legendary Pictures Film Plans / GODZILLA 2012 Producer Brian Rogers To Speak At 3D ENTERTAINMENT SUMMIT

113 Rare Star Wars Photos Posted Online

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Imgur.com

A whole ton of rare "Star Wars" images have just been posted on the Imgur.com website. The images range from publicity images that were never used, screen grabs from scenes that never made it into the original trilogy, to candid behind the scenes shots. A New Hope, Empire and Jedi are all equally represented here although most of the shots seem to be of Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) who, from these shots, looks like she took every available moment to lay down on the set.

A good deal of the photos have been published in magazines, online and even on trading cards but a few of them I have honestly never seen before.

I wish that I could give credit to whoever put together this great collection of photographs but no name was listed with the gallery.

I have posted 20 of my favorites here:

To see the rest of the collection go HERE.

See Also: Star Wars Episode IV - Imperial TIE Fighter Replica / Sexy Star Wars Burlesque Vixen Courtney Cruz Talks! / Vintage STAR WARS TV Adds Sold Everything! / Star Wars - Death Star Trash Compactor Bookends /Star Wars - Commander Cody - Order 66 Cold Cast Statue Star Wars Legacy - Darth Talon Statue Sculpture Star Wars - R2-D2 Interactive Astromech Droid Star Wars - Boba Fett Evolution - Paper Giclee Print Star Wars - Deluxe AT-AT Vehicle - Playset / Star Wars - Slave Leia In Her Metal Bikini - Mini Bust/ George Lucas Moving Forward With STAR WARS 3D Films / Star Wars - 4 Piece Glass Set / Star Wars - Chewbacca Jumbo Vintage Kenner Action Figure / Star Wars - Scout Trooper Collector Helmet / The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #61 - #70/ Hey! Don't Molest The Princess! Especially If She Is A Celebrity / Is The STAR WARS Television Series Dead? / The Latest Issue Of STAR WARS INSIDER Free Online / Star Wars - A New Hope - Full Size Wall Mural / Star Wars - Boba Fett Bust / Bank / Star Wars - Slave Leia In Her Metal Bikini - Mini Bust / Star Wars Deluxe AT-AT Vehicle / Star Wars News - TomTom GPS, More Robot Chicken And Darth Vader Banned From Conventions /Star Wars - Death Trooper / Zombie Stormtrooper Bust / New STAR WARS TV And Movie Series To Be UNLEASHED? / Darth Vader Had Emotional Problems ...... Ya Think? / An Idea That Is Way Overdue - Star Wars Themed Lingerie! / Spaceballs (1987)(MGM) / Lucas Begins Casting The Star Wars TV Series / Hey! Remember Mark, The Yoda Puppet Costs More Than You Do! / Can You Believe Someone Dropped $10,000 On Star Wars Collectibles?!! / EE Exclusive Star Wars Holiday Edition Jawas Action Figures / Darth Vader Invades Japan / Star Wars R2-D2 Interactive Astromech Droid / Star Wars Exclusive Ecliptic Evader TIE Fighter With Hobbie


Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Fangoria

It's another brand new shiny day and guess what? There's another Bigfoot movie on the horizon.

Yes ...... another one.

I keep thinking that they are going to stop ..... but they don't.

This time around it's "The Blair Witch Project" co-director Eduardo Sanchez who wants to reinvent Sasquatch in his new film project entitled "EXISTS" . Here's a quote,
“The film is the first in a trilogy exploring and reinventing the Bigfoot myth,” Sanchez says. “We all remember the terror of watching such classics as THE LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK, and I look forward to making Bigfoot scary again.”

According to Variety Haxan Films and Amber Entertainment will be ready to start work on "EXISTS" in October with filming to take place at Spiderwood Studios in Austin, Texas. Hellboy's Brian Steele will play the monster which will be designed by Weta Workshop and Spectral Motion.

Yes .... a CGI Sasquatch ....

Here is the plot:

(EXISTS) follows a group of friends who go to a cabin in the woods and are hunted by a Bigfoot-type creature.

Please forgive me if I'm just a little bit underwhelmed by that. Maybe it's because I have read almost if not exactly the same plot outline at two dozen times over the past two to three years.

Eduardo Sanchez may want to bring "scary" back to Sasquatch but unfortunately he'll have to take a number. There is already "Night Claws", "Snowbeast" , "Nightbeasts", "The Mountain Wailer", "Yowie", "Broken Spectre", "The Devil at Lost Creek", "The MOMO Monster", "The Legend of Grassman" , "Blood Forest", "Boggy Creek" and "Sasquatch vs Chupacabra" in the que ahead of "EXISTS".

See Also: Real Or Hoax? Youtube Videos From The Other Side (05/28/2011) / New Yowie Sighting Sparks Interest In Australian Bigfoot / Does A New Video From Alaska Show Bigfoot? / This New Bigfoot Clip Is ABOMINABLE / Animal Planet Announces New Series - FINDING BIGFOOT / Bigfoot News - NIGHT CLAWS And The Face Of Sasquatch On Video? / "Credible" Bigfoot Sighting On Road In Pennsylvania / A Quick Update On NIGHTBEASTS / Yet Another Yeti Movie - CLAWS /The First Look At SNOW BEAST Coming Soon To SyFy / A New Bigfoot Movie In 3D From China? / Trailer Alert! THE MOUNTAIN WAILER / UNAWARE / Cole Bayford Serves Up A Little Bigfoot Australian Style In YOWIE / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #7) / Borrego Sandman / Speedway Monster - Updates - California The Monster State - Part 4 / The Fontana Speedway Monster (1951 - 1992) - California The Monster State - Part 3 / The Borrego Sandman (1939 - Present) - California The Monster State - Part 2 / Classic Tales From Cryptozoology - Mass Flying Dinosaur Sightings In Texas Circa 1976 / The Long Beach Sea Monster (1909) - California The Monster State - Part 1 / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #6) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #5) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #4) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #3) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #2) / The Crypto Reporter - Monster Sightings From Around The World (Issue #1)/ Young Film Makers Taking On The Scottish Sasquatch In BROKEN SPECTRE / Bigfoot Movie News - Nightbeasts Premiere Info - The Bloody Rage Comes To DVD / Two Terrified Kids Unleash THE DEVIL AT LOST CREEK / Is It The Great Pumpkin? Or The MOMO Monster? / An Update On Jamie Belty, The LEGEND OF GRASSMAN Crew Member Who Was Assaulted With A Hammer / A Call Out To All Fans To Help THE LEGEND OF GRASSMAN Crew Member After Assualt

The Official Bettie Page Tribute Video Featuring Music By Bonsai Kitten

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Bonsai Kitten

The members of the German rockabilly band Bonsai Kitten were thrilled to death when they learned that their song "Virgin Suicide" had been chosen for "The Official Bettie Page Tribute Video".

Here's the scoop:

Features a brief biography of the life of Bettie Page (the Queen of Pinups!), original clips from Teaserama and Betty Gets Dressed in Satin, quotes and photographs from her modeling career. Music used with permission by Bonsai Kitten (http://www.bonsai-kitten.de/).

And here's the video:

See Also: Bettie Page Remember T-Shirt / Bettie Page Red Devil Fabric Poster Wall Hanging / Bettie Page Extatique Fabric Poster Wall Hanging / Bettie Page - Girl Of Our Dreams Statue / 100 Most Popular (Sexiest) Women In Movies, TV, SciFi And Fantasy #71- #80 / Jim Silke Bettie Page Portfolio Art Collection / EE Exclusive Bettie Page Red Lingerie 6-Inch Statue / Dark Horse Editor Shawna Gore Remembers Bettie Page / Bettie Page 1923-2008 / Comic Book Artist Dave Stevens Passes Away At Age 52

Bonsai Kitten - Monster Music Profile

Catching Up With Rachel Grubb - New Photos By Devon Devoor / Roberto Gamez

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Rachel Grubb
Photo Credits: Devon Devoor / Roberto Gamez

It has been way too long since we last checked in with one of our favorite actresses here at MIN the multitalented Rachel Grubb. Since Rachel moved from the frozen tundra of Minnesota to the ... well ..... less frozen tundra of Los Angeles she has been one busy kitten. It is for this reason that we will forgive her for not keeping us updated on all of her comings and goings. We know the girl has to work and work her ass off she does.

Today we have a few photos that Rachel has released to the public by Devon Devoor and Roberto Gamez. In both cases Devoor and Gamez have been able to capture Rachel's raw beauty.

Hats off to Devoor for the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" themed shot ..... it's really creeps

When I say Rachel has been busy I mean it. Check out this list of projects "Scream Queen Campfire", "Bad Girls Burn In Hell", "The Wasteland Horror", "Trick or Eat", "The Locals" and "Bloodstruck". There are actually more but my fingers were starting to cramp.

Here are the latest pics from Rachel's ever growing portfolio:

By Roberto Gamez

See Also: An Entire Month To Celebrate The Hottest Women In Horror - What A Great Idea! / EMPTY TRASH - Starring Rachel Grubb - To Debut At Minneapolis Underground Film Festival / Rachel Grubb Movie Fest To Rock Las Vegas! / Rachel Grubb Appears In New Web Comic Series “A Life Behind The Mask” / Minneapolis Filmmakers Carve A Slice Out Of Halloween With A Horror Double Feature / STRIP CLUB SLASHER World Premiere Info!/ You Can Help Director Bobby Jones Make GIRL SCOUT COOKIES / A Small-Time Heist Turns Into Sadism In EMPTY TRASH / Women Trained To Fight Like Animals In DOG FIGHT /Hollywood Is A "Maid-To-Order" Move For Rachel Grubb And Silent-But-Deadly Productions /A Look At Upcoming Episodes Of Comic Book Divas A LIFE BEHIND THE MASK / This Summer Sizzles With The Three Hottest Women In Horror / Rachel Grubb Does 'Why Am I In A Box?' Up Vegas Style / New Poster Art And Website Info For 'Strip Club Slasher' / Missing Your Rachel Grubb & Elske McCain Fix? Maybe You Should Take A Shower? / What Are Celebrities Doing For Halloween? - Part 1 / On Roman Polanski / Rachel Grubb - Eyes That Can Melt Your Heart - Film Making In A Uniquely Feminine Style / Hot & Sexy Photos From Jason Stephenson's 'Strip Club Slasher' / New Behind The Scenes Photos Of Scarlet Salem From The Movie 'Strip Club Slasher' / Joanna Angel - The Princess Of Punk Porn Joins The Cast Of "Haunting Kira" / What I Want From The Next Batman Movie / Jason Vorhees And Some Top Line Screem Queens Sign On For 'Haunting Kira' / Between Heaven And Hell - More Fantasy Photos Of Rachel Grubb / Vampire Girl & Fairy Girl - New Photos Of Rachel Grubb / Scream Queen Rachel Grubb Nude....Okay, Kinda, Sorta / Now For A Completely Different Kind Of Zombie Movie - Haunting Kira Starring Rachel Grubb

NEW! Creature from the Black Lagoon - Bobble Head

Source: Entertainment Earth / From Sci Fi Toys

Creature from the Black Lagoon Bobble Head:

Classic Creature from the Black Lagoon!
Rotating arms!
Detailed classic monster that's universally loved by many!

Take home this 6-inch Creature from the Black Lagoon bobble head today as he stands atop his name display base. Creature also features rotating arms for additional poses along with his bobbles!

For Sale At:

Entertainment Earth - $12.99 - Order Here

See Also: The 100 Greatest Monsters From Movies And Television #10 - #1 / Creature From The Black Lagoon - Model Kit - Universal Monsters - Moebius Models / MONSTERS IN THE MOVIES - Presented By THE ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES / Universal Monsters Select - Creature from Black Lagoon Figure / Creature From The Black Lagoon - Plush Doll - Hot New Toys! / Former Creature From The Black Lagoon Director Says Remake On Hold / Mark And Brian Gunn To Write MONSTER SQUAD Remake/ Halcyon International Pictures Teams Up With Famous Monsters Of Filmland To Reboot Classic Universal Horrors / Famous Monsters To Bring Back The Creature, The Mummy, Frankenstein And Others To The Silver Screen? / The Top Ten Hottest Monsters Of 2009 /Universal Courting Carl Erik Rinsch To Direct "Creature From The Black Lagoon" / What Does Youtube Have Against The "Creature From The Black Lagoon"? / More Ultra-Rare Items From Classic Horror, Sci Fi And Monster Films Go On The Auction Block / Creature From The Black Lagoon - Funko Force Figure / Creature From The Black Lagoon Autographed 8x10 Photo By Julie Adams And Ricou Browning / The Creature From The Black Lagoon Gets A Bad-Ass Makeover? / Creature From The Black Lagoon Musical Opens At Universal Studios Hollywood / Gort And The Creature From The Black Lagoon Go To High School in "Go Mutants!" / The Creature From The Black Lagoon Musical / King Kong, Godzilla And The Creature From The Black Lagoon At The Rose Parade / The Most Talked About Stories Of 2008 / The Top Ten Hottest Monsters Of 2008 / Life Magazine Discovers Rare Publicity Photos From Creature From The Black Lagoon - Update! / Life Magazine Discovers Rare Publicity Photos From Creature From The Black Lagoon / The Witch's Dungeon 40 Years Of Chills An Amazing Tribute To The Golden Age Of Horror / Creature From The Black Lagoon /The Creature No Longer Walks Among Us - Ben Chapman (1928 - 2008) / The Creature From The Black Lagoon Polystone Diorama

Godzilla 2012 Poster: Real or Fake?

by Armand Vaquer

Things have been quiet on the Legendary Pictures/Warner Brothers Godzilla project lately.

I received this in an email today. This is the first I've seen of it, so I can't say if this is authentic or not.

Dean Devlin Finally Takes Credit For GODZILLA (GINO) Failure

Written By: Ken Hulsey

I just wanted to quickly share these quotes from director Dean Devlin about Legendary's new "Godzilla 3D" film and why his G film failed. These come in response to questions posed by Bloody Disgusting's Chris Eggersten:

First on "Godzilla 3D":

"I'm happy. First of all, one of the people at Legendary involved with it is Bill Fay, who was one of the producers with me on the last version. You know, to get another shot at getting that one right, I understand why they want to do it, and I really hope...the best [for them]. I hope they get it right."

Then on why "Godzilla 98" failed:

"Listen, I think there's a lot of wonderful stuff in that movie, I really do," ( in the film's defense) "[But] I think the problem with that movie was the script I wrote. I think Roland did an amazing job directing it, I think the actors are great, I think when people look back now on the Blu-ray and see the visual effects, it's a lot better than what people said at the time. The problem was the script! I made some big errors in that script. I wish I hadn't, I wish I had a chance to fix it. But in another way, it's allowed me to be a better writer since, because I made the mistakes on one, and I realized I'm never gonna make those mistakes again!"

"If you're gonna fail, fail big!"

Hmmmmm ...... maybe a big part of it was the fact that Godzilla wasn't in it! Maybe you should have made up your mind whether we were supposed to fear the monster or feel sympathy for it? Maybe Godzilla should have been the one tearing up NYC instead of the military?

Okay..... don't get me running on this.

Kitty From KITTY IN A CASKET Explodes On Stage!

Written By: Ken Hulsey

Imagine the horror when right in the middle of a live show one of the band members just simply blows up. Yes, explodes. Body parts go flying .... there is pandemonium ..... fans running for the doors ..... the week being trampled under foot as panic sets in.

Sounds like your kind of concert right?

Well, that is exactly what happened at a Kitty In A Casket show in Europe recently.

One of the band members just blew up right in the middle of the song "Zombie Paradise". Then to make things worse ... Kitty (the lead singer) started to catch fire, as in spontaneously combust.

Okay ....... none of that really happened.

It's all just a part of a running joke between Kitty and myself on Facebook. I pointed out that if she were to blow up on stage that it would be one hell of a publicity stunt and that it would undoubtedly boost the sales of their latest CD "Back to Thrill". Kitty decided that it would be better if one of her band mates blew up instead of herself.

Alas ..... some people just aren't willing to sacrifice it all for the sake of art ..... spectacle .... shock value?

Kitty In A Casket will be performing live at the Viper Room in Vienna Austria on July 2nd. The show will be a special release party for "Back to Thrill". Other artists on the bill include RAMAZURI and The Acting Apes.

Who knows .... maybe someone will explode during the gig? I did plant the idea in Kitty's head.

If it happens I want the credit ...... wait ...... that would be murder.

I know nothing about any of this ......

See Also: KITTY IN A CASKET Are BACK TO THRILL / Kitty In A Casket - Monster Music Profile

IDW Launches New GHOSTBUSTERS Series In September

Source: IDW Publishing

IDW Publishing and Sony Pictures Consumer Products are thrilled to announce the launch of an all-new, ongoing GHOSTBUSTERS comic book series. Spinning out of IDW’s hit Infestation event, and featuring Ghostbusters: Infestation scribe Erik Burham, the ghost hunters from New York City are back with exciting new adventures starting in September. Helping Burnham bring this zany story of the dead to life will be fan-favorite artist Dan Schoening (Ghostbusters: What in Samhain Just Happened?!) and popular IDW Ghostbusters cover artist Nick Runge.

“My dream since I took over the editorial duties on IDW’s Ghostbusters comics license was to bring the boys in proton packs to monthly comics,” said series editor Tom Waltz. “We’ve had fantastic Ghostbusters one-shots and mini-series up to this point, but the incredible success of Ghostbusters: Infestation has proven that Ghostbusters fans, old and new alike, are still very hungry for ghostbusting tales. With the awesome creative team we’ve gathered to make it happen, the best is yet to come!”

In this ongoing series, psychokinetic energy is on the rise again, and business is booming for the boys. Ray is troubled by what could be a prophetic dream—is this an ill omen of an upcoming apocaplypse, or just a little indigestion? These questions and more are raised in the first issue of the all-new GHOSTBUSTERS comic series. In addition, each issue will contain two pages of exclusive behind-the-scenes extras by creator Tristan Jones (Tales of the TMNT.)

IDW will offer special retailer incentive covers, including a “Who Ya Gonna call” cover by Schoening, and a glow-in-the-dark cover. Furthermore, as part of IDW’s “Be a Ghostbuster” promotion, retailers will have the opportunity to obtain a unique variant featuring up to four personalized Ghostbusters on their cover. Fans are encouraged to reach out to their retailers to learn more about these exclusive variant covers.

GHOSTBUSTERS #1 ($3.99, 32 pages, full color) will be available in stores in September 2011. Diamond order code: JUL11 0130

Because They Really Like You Dynamite Offers The Living Corpse Up For FREE!

Source: Dynamite Entertainment

In honor of the launch and upcoming release of the next - and newest - The Living Corpse series - Dynamite Entertainment is providing THE ENTIRE FIRST ISSUE OF THE ORIGINAL THE LIVING CORPSE SERIES ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE!!! In Living Corpse: Exhumed #1 (of 6) shipping in August 2011, it's hard enough to be The Living Corpse - the flies, the hunger for human brains and the unending task of holding off the hordes of darkness from creeping into the world of the living. But when a Nosferatu suddenly moves into his graveyard, all hell breaks loose! And what will happen when The Living Corpse's friend, Lilith, get's caught in the middle? It's a battle of the undead and only one will be left standing! (here's a hint... the name of the book ain't Nosferatu!)

As well as serving as publisher of The Living Corpse comic, Dynamite is also branching out as producers on the brand new Living Corpse CGI animated movie, currently wrapping up production and looking at a 2011 release date from Shoreline Entertainment. Look for The Living Corpse: Exhumed #1 as well as the first trade paperback collecting the first 9 SOLD-OUT issues of the series to arrive in stores this coming August!

"I couldn't be happier to have found a home with Dynamite," says Living Corpse co-creator Ken Haeser. "They have a great, growing line of horror-themed comics like Army of Darkness, Vampirella and the Chaos! comic characters. I know we are in great hands with them."

"Being involved with Dynamite is a dream come true," says Living Corpse co-creator Buz Hasson. "They're an A list comic company and I'm honored to have the Living Corpse become a house name for them."

The Living Corpse follows the adventures of a self aware "zombie" who acts as a "gatekeeper" between the land of the living and the horrors that lie in the shadows. But this isn't your daddy's zombie comic.

"It's a zombie comic in that the main character is a zombie who does eat human brains," says Haeser. "But our zombie is a good guy… well, as good as a zombie who eats brains can get!"

"The Living Corpse is a movie that we are very proud of, so we are extremely excited that Dynamite Entertainment will be publishing the new books," said Morris Ruskin, CEO of Shoreline Entertainment and executive producer on the Living Corpse animated film. "Ken Haeser and Buz Hasson are incredible artists and fantastic storytellers whose talents will really shine with Dynamite's terrific team behind them."

"Ken and Buz are both great talents who have a dedicated audience, and we hope to create additional awareness and build on their audience. Their comic is really cool, and we're enjoying working with him on The Living Corpse," says Dynamite President and Publisher Nick Barrucci. "I am so glad that we are able to bring fans the next chapter!"

Written by KEN HAESER
Covers by HAESER/HASSON (50%), JEFF ZORNOW (Halloween and Godzilla comics) (25%) & a Movie exclusive cover (25%)
Also available is a limited edition sketch cover.

THE LIVING CORPSE: POST MORTEM vol. 1 Trade paperback
230 pages collecting The Living Corpse #0, ½, 1-6 and Annual #1

For Your Double D Viewing Pleasure Elvira's Movie Macabre: Night of Living Dead / I Eat Your Skin

Sources: Elvira Mistress of the Dark Website / Amazon.com

Like a specter rising from the grave, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark is back – providing her signature, unflinching, tongue-in-cheek commentary of some of the “greatest” B-movies of all time! This double feature DVD set includes two all-time classics:

Night of the Living Dead

Just as Elvira’s television career rises once again, so do the ghouls on-screen in George A. Romero’s zombie masterpiece.

I Eat Your Skin

Elvira takes us on a trip to Voo Doo Island and gives us a few culinary tips along the way – bon appetit!

Special Features

Movie Macabre Behind-the-scenes
Photo Shoot with Christopher Ameruso
“Mistress of the Dark” Music Video by Ghoultown
Making the Ghoultown Video
Sneak Peek Previews


When you hear the name Elvira only one person comes to mind... Halloween icon and quintessential symbol of all things spooky, the one and only Mistress of the Dark.

Back in 1981, who could have imagined the hostess of a local Hollywood Horror movie show would grow to become a household name? Elvira was the first horror host ever to be syndicated nationally and has emerged as one of the most original and outrageous characters in popular culture today.

Elvira's reign as 'Queen of Halloween' has now spanned twenty-nine years and includes two feature films, an IMAX film and 2 motion control rides. She has appeared in National ad campaigns for Pepsi and Coors, recorded 5 music CDs, published 4 books and licensed over 400 products, including 2 Bally pinball machines, BC Rich guitars, 3 comic book series, Elvira’s ‘Night Brew’ beer, ‘Evil’ perfume and a slot machines from IGT. Elvira also boasts the best selling female costume of all time.

In the last two decades she has given thousands of radio, newspaper and magazine interviews and made hundreds of film, television and live appearances - everything from The Grammy Awards, Saturday Night Live, MTV Specials and Monday Night Football to NBC's Today Show, The Tournament of Roses Parade and even a U2 Concert with Bono! She most recently produced and starred in the Fox Reality show “The Search for the Next Elvira”.

As synonymous with Halloween as Santa Claus is with Christmas, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark has carved out a niche in popular American culture that is sure to endure for decades to come.

Night of the Living Dead is a 1968 American independent black-and-white zombie film and cult film directed by George A. Romero. It premiered on October 1, 1968, and was completed on a USD$114,000 budget. After decades of cinematic re-releases, it grossed $12 million domestically and $18 million internationally. Night of the Living Dead was heavily criticized during its release because of its explicit content. However, it eventually received critical acclaim and was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the National Film Registry as a film deemed "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant."

The plot of the film follows Ben (Duane Jones), Barbra (Judith O'Dea), and five others, who are trapped in a rural farmhouse in Pennsylvania and attempt to survive the night while the house is being attacked by mysteriously reanimated ghouls, otherwise known as zombies. Night of the Living Dead is the origin of six other Living Dead films directed by George A. Romero and became the inspiration for two remakes of the film, a film of the same name directed by Tom Savini, and Night of the Living Dead 3D, which was directed by Jeff Broadstreet and contained a much different storyline.

I Eat Your Skin (Original title: Zombies) is a 1964 horror film directed by Del Tenney.

Writer Tom Harris arrives on a beautiful island in search of material on voodoo legends for his novel. He unfortunately stumbles onto the secret laboratory of a mad scientist who is experimenting on reversing the aging process.

The film was not released until six years after it was made. Film distributor Jerry Gross bought it and paired it on a double bill with I Drink Your Blood and renamed it I Eat Your Skin, although the two have nothing in common. Previous titles of the film include Zombie Bloodbath and Voodoo Blood Bath.

See Also: Elvira Mistress Of The Dark Model Kit / 100 Most Popular (Sexiest) Women In Movies, TV, SciFi And Fantasy #61- #70 /Celluloid Philosophers - Elvira / Now For Your Halloween Viewing Pleasure - Elvira Presents - 'Count Dracula's Great Love' / What Is Elvira Doing For Halloween? / Elvira Haunts Pennsylvania...No, Not Transylvania!...This Halloween / The Witch's Dungeon 40 Years Of Chills An Amazing Tribute To The Golden Age Of Horror /