Mr. Lobo Wants To Return CINEMA INSOMNIA To It's TV Roots

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Mr. Lobo

Way back in 2001 a fledgling horror host by the name of Mr. Lobo launched a little late night movie program called "Cinema Insomnia" on KXTV channel 10 in Sacramento. Since that time Lobo, and CI, have been syndicated all over this great country of ours appearing on TV screens from Cucamonga to Kalamazoo. Lobo has even launched a very successful line of DVDs featuring CI episodes which can be purchased through All this, including numerous public appearances at movie screenings and conventions, have made this a very eventful decade for Lobo indeed.

Sadly, however, despite all this fame surrounding "Cinema Insomnia" the show has not aired on KXTV since 2002. The local ABC affiliate opted to replace the show after one season with either low grade movies or infomercials.

Now that "Cinema Insomnia" is celebrating it's 10th anniversary with 25 brand new episodes Mr. Lobo and his legions of fans have gone straight to the net to publish an online petition to get the show back on the channel that launched it oh so long ago.

Here is the verbiage from the site:

Local Horror Host, Eric Lobo aka "Mr. Lobo" started Cinema Insomnia on KXTV Channel 10 in Sacramento in 2001 only to have it cancelled later that year. Since then, that 3:05 AM time slot on very late Saturday/early Sundays have been replaced by a hostless movie slot consisting of the same 13 public domain movies. Since this is the 10th Anniversary of Mr. Lobo's debut on KXTV, this petition is encouraging KXTV to bring back Cinema Insomnia & Mr. Lobo to the same time slot. They have nothing to lose but plenty to gain.

Indeed, there would seem to be a lot for KXTV to gain by once again airing CI, namely keeping all the fans of the show from marching on the station with lit torches and pitchforks in hand.

True ... it would have to be a night time assault for the torches to have effect ....

Wait ... I'm off topic.

With a little help from YOU Mr. Lobo hopes to "peacefully" persuade KXTV to return CI to it's TV roots.

Please follow this link to let your voice be heard -

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