GODZILLA vs HEDORAH 40th Anniversary Poster, Lobby Card And Photo Bonanza!

Written By: Ken Hulsey

This past weekend I posted an article that was very well received about classic monster movie posters so I have decided to turn the subject into a series of features here at Monster Island News. The only problem is .... where do I start? There are so many awesome sci fi, horror and monster movie posters out there it is hard to pinpoint just where to begin.

That's when it hit me.

As our very own Armand Vaquer noted in a couple of great pieces a few of weeks back this month marks the 40th anniversary of the release of "Godzilla vs Hedorah" in Japan so I figured this was as good a place to start as any.

To the left is one of the original Japanese adds for the film. As you probably have noticed the poster is rather tall and narrow. These "skinny" posters were displayed in Japanese theaters alongside standard sized ones to promote the film. As is typical of these posters this one contains giant sized lettering and a small graphic of the monsters at the bottom.

Here is a collection of "Godzilla vs Hedorah" posters, lobby cards, and promotional photos from around the globe:


Where better to start off this gallery than in the film's country of origin. Here is the original artwork for "Godzilla vs Hedorah" circa 1971.

Above are four Japanese promotional photos that would have been released to magazines and newspapers.

United States

Here in America the film was released under the title "Godzilla vs The Smog Monster". This is the poster that was featured in theaters during that release.

A promotional photo for American magazines and newspapers.

An "add slick" for "Godzilla vs The Smog Monster" for newspapers.


You really have to love this Italian poster. Strangely Godzilla has been replaced by a T-Rex.

Likewise in this companion poster Godzilla has been replaced by not just one dinosaur but two.

This lobby card features not only Godzilla and Hedorah but the Korean movie monster Yongary as well. Many foreign movie posters and lobby cards for Godzilla films often times feature monsters not in the movies themselves. Most often times it's Gamera who appears in these adds.


Most Polish Godzilla posters look like they are adds for The Beatles "Yellow Submarine". This one features Hedorah inside Godzilla's silhouette.


A German variation on the original Japanese poster art. The most obvious thing that stands out about this poster is the name "Frankenstein". Oddly all such German promotional materials for the films in the Godzilla movie series feature the names "Frankenstein" and "King Kong".

FUTURAMA Wants You To Put Your Head In A Jar

Source: Comedy Central

Matt Groening, creator of the Emmy®-Award-winning series “Futurama,” today announced the launch of the “Futurama Head-In-A-Jar Creator” App during the show’s panel at Comic-Con. The free App – developed in a collaboration between COMEDY CENTRAL, the producers of “Futurama” and Rough Draft Studios – allows fans to design their own Head-In-A-Jar, a popular recurring feature of the show. The “Futurama” App was released simultaneously with Groening’s announcement and is now available for download on iPhone and iPod Touch.

“The ‘Head-In-A-Jar’ App is an interactive playground for fans,” said Michele Ganeless, president, COMEDY CENTRAL. “The new App truly celebrates the show and gives fans a great place to enter and experience the world of ‘Futurama.’”

"In the future, we'll all be heads in jars," said Groening. "But right now we can live this utopian fantasy in cartoon form."

The new App is loaded with a wealth of features. The “Head-In-A-Jar Creator” feature allows users to jump into the animated world of “Futurama” and create their own customized character. Users can choose from a male or female human, robot or alien, and customize many traits including the eyes, nose, hair, blemishes and background. Original artwork and sound design were created by the Futurama team specifically for the App. Additional features include “Futurama”-themed accessories, such as a foil hat, Flexo’s beard, Nibbler’s antenna and a customized name plate for each head designed. Once a Head is created, users can upload it to Facebook and Twitter and share with friends. Users can also save them to their photo gallery, set as their wallpaper or as an icon for one of their friends’ contacts.

“The Head Museum” is an innovative feature that allows fans to create customized exhibits of all their Head creations. Users can then curate various groups (e.g. family, friends, co-workers, favorite sports team) to display the Heads. Users can also share these Exhibits on Facebook and Twitter.

Additional App features include streaming clips from the current season of “Futurama” airing on COMEDY CENTRAL.

"Futurama," returned with 13 all-new half-hour episodes beginning Thursday, June 23 at 10:00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL.

"Futurama," created by Matt Groening and developed by Groening and David X. Cohen, is a Curiosity Company production in association with Twentieth Century Fox Television. Rough Draft Studios, Inc. is the animation studio.

20th Century Fox Television, a division of News Corp., is a leading supplier of entertainment.

A Gallery Of Great Monster Movie Posters

Written By: Ken Hulsey

As many of you may or may not know collecting classic movie posters, lobby cards and photographs is a real passion of mine. I often times spend hours rummaging through thrift stores, antique malls, flea markets and yard sales looking for authentic movie related items. I have put together quite a collection and one day I hope to get everything framed and up on my walls.

That being said, I woke up this morning with monster movie posters on my mind so I decided to post a collection of some great ones here for all to enjoy.

What makes for a great monster movie poster? Well a great monster is a good start but as you can see from some of the examples here a great work of art can sometimes make a bad monster look good. Of course that is the general idea isn't it? After all the sole purpose for these posters were to put butts in theater seats.

Another great element that most great monster movie posters share is a sexy damsel in distress. Monster plus half-naked woman means box office gold ... or so was the general idea during the golden age of monster films.

A great example of a great monster movie poster is this one (above) from "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth". You have dinosaurs fighting in the background, a giant dinosaur eating a bikini-clad cave girl, people chained up, more bikini-clad cave girls and yet another bikini-clad cave girl with a spear front and center.

Would you want to see this movie? Oh, hell yes!

Here are more such posters, some with sexy girls and some without, some with great monsters and some without:


A great poster here! A giant dragon taking out the Golden Gate Bridge. Too bad the movie didn't live up to this artwork.


Reptilicus, a giant monster film about a fictional prehistoric reptile, is a Danish-American co-production, produced by American International Pictures and Saga Studios, and is upon close examination two distinctly different films helmed by two different directors.

The original version, which was shot in Danish was directed by Danish director Poul Bang and released in Denmark on February 25, 1961.

The American version, which was in English with a nearly identical cast, was directed by the film's American producer-director Sidney W. Pink; this version was initially deemed virtually unreleasable by American International Pictures and had to be extensively reworked by the film's Danish-American screenwriter, Ib Melchior, before being finally released in America in 1962.

King Kong (1933)

Of all the zillions of King Kong posters that were produced this one has always been my favorite. Great colors, great action pose, what's not to love?


King Kong is a Pre-Code 1933 fantasy monster adventure film co-directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, and written by Ruth Rose and James Ashmore Creelman after a story by Cooper and Edgar Wallace. The film tells of a gigantic island-dwelling gorilla-like creature called Kong who dies in an attempt to possess a beautiful young woman. The film stars Fay Wray, Bruce Cabot and Robert Armstrong and opened in New York City on March 2, 1933 to good reviews. Kong is distinguished for its stop-motion animation by Willis O'Brien and its musical score by Max Steiner. The film has been released to video, DVD, and Blu-ray, and has been computer colorized. In 1991, the film was deemed "culturally, historically and aesthetically significant" by the Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.

The Green Slime

Again everything you want in a monster movie poster. A sexy girls, great monster art and great action. The movie ..... well not so good, but one of my faves none the less.


The Green Slime (ガンマー第3号 宇宙大作戦, Ganmā Daisan Gō: Uchū Daisakusen, aka Gamma 3: Operation Outer Space) is a 1968 science-fiction film produced by MGM in the United States and shot in Japan at the studios of Toei Company by director Kinji Fukasaku. The film was spearheaded by the same creative team who produced similar Italian outings including Wild, Wild Planet, Ivan Reiner and Walter Manley.

Frankenstein meets The Wolf Man

Two great monsters combine for one great poster. There's Frankie carrying off a woman in her night-gown .... ya gotta have that .... and you have The Monster and The Wolf Man trying to kick the crap out of each other. Nuff said.


Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man, released in 1943, is an American monster horror film produced by Universal Studios starring Lon Chaney, Jr. as the Wolf Man and Bela Lugosi as Frankenstein's monster. The movie was the first of a series of "ensemble" monster films combining characters from several film series. This film, therefore, is both the fifth in the series of films based upon Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and a sequel to The Wolf Man.

Frankenstein 1970

What can I say about this one? Great image of a sexy woman cowering in fear in the shadow of a truly grotesque looking Frankenstein silhouette. This one is just about perfect.


Frankenstein 1970 is a 1958 science fiction horror film, starring Boris Karloff and Don 'Red' Barry. This independent film was directed by Howard W. Koch, and its alternative titles were Frankenstein 1960 and Frankenstein 1975. Released on a low budget, the film was originally intended to be named Frankenstein 1960 but it did not sound futuristic enough. In October 2009, Warner Brothers released the DVD "Karloff & Lugosi Horror Classics" which includes Frankenstein 1970 as one of the four films and features an audio commentary by co-star Charlotte Austin and historians Tom Weaver and Bob Burns.

Destroy All Monsters

This is pure monster heaven! You have just about every great Japanese movie monster in one poster. Japanese monster posters are always amazing and this one stands out on top!


Destroy All Monsters, released in Japan as Charge of the Monsters (怪獣総進撃, Kaijū Sōshingeki), is a 1968 Japanese science fiction kaiju. The ninth in Toho Studios' Godzilla series, it was directed by Ishirō Honda with special effects by Sadamasa Arikawa (supervised by Eiji Tsuburaya.) This is the fifth film to feature Mothra, third to feature King Ghidorah, fourth to feature Rodan, and second to feature Gorosaurus, Anguirus, Kumonga, Manda, Minilla, Baragon, and Varan. This film is also considered that last of the more classical era of Showa films.

Bride of the Monster

Great classic vampire poster! Again the reoccurring theme of the monster (or in this case vampire) carrying off a rather buxom maiden. What's with the meatball with tentacles?


Bride of the Monster is a 1955 sci-fi horror film starring Bela Lugosi, along with Tor Johnson, Tony McCoy and Loretta King Hadler. It was produced, directed and co-written by Edward D. Wood, Jr.

A sequel, entitled Night of the Ghouls, was finished in 1959, but due to last-minute financial problems, was not released until 1987.

Blood From the Mummy's Tomb

With this one you don't even need a mummy in the poster to sell the film. A severed hand choking a buxom victim ... that's all you really need. I love the look of terror on the woman's face. Great poster!


Blood from the Mummy's Tomb is a 1971 British film starring Andrew Keir, Valerie Leon, and James Villiers. This was director Seth Holt's final film, and was adapted from Bram Stoker's novel The Jewel of Seven Stars. The film was released as the support feature to Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde.

Beast From Haunted Cave / Attack of the Crab Monsters / The Navy vs The Night Monsters

To save time I decided to lump these three posters together because what can be said for one can be said for all three. Sub-par monster movies with great posters! All three contain the classic monster menacing sexy woman theme, except for "The Navy vs The Night Monsters" where that sexy woman is none other than Mamie Van Doren. In fact all that the poster really needs is MAMIE VAN DOREN in huge letters with a picture of her in her underwear. No monster .... just MVD. Anyway it's a great poster with jets and a-bombs going off plus a bunch of killer trees on a rampage.

More movie posters to come in future articles so stay tuned!

The Loch Ness Monster Has Returned In Scotland .... And Alaska?

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Sources: Crytomundo / Sky Valley Chronicle

Aye .... there be sea serpents about.

Over the past couple of years the number of sightings of the "Loch Ness Monster" (Nessie) has steadily decreased causing some experts in the field of cryptozoology to speculate that the famous living dinosaur my have become extinct or was possibly headed for extinction. In fact for 2009 there was only three reported sighting of the creature (1 2 3) and in 2008 long-time monster hunter Robert Rines commented publicly that he believed Nessie had become a victim of global warming. This year however it looks as if the old girl is making a comeback.

So far this summer there have been a handful of reported sightings and now a new photograph of the monster has come to light as well. After searching for the monster for 45 years William Jobes finally hit pay dirt. While walking along the Loch with his wife something surfaced some 300 yards away and thinking quickly Jobes grabbed his camera and took a photo before the object disappeared.

Mr Jobes was walking along the Abbey footpath in Fort Augustus with his wife Joan in May this year when he spotted what appeared to be a head bobbing above the water 200 to 300 yards from the shore.

‘I had a wonderful shock,’ Mr Jobes said.’I have actually been coming up to Inverness for the past 45 years and I have never seen anything like this before.’

Quickly grasping his camera, Mr Jobes from Irvine in Ayrshire, managed to take a single picture before the ‘head’ disappeared under the surface.

However, to his delight a dark, hump-like shape broke the waves and he was able to take more photographs of the apparent sighting on May 24 at just after 11.10am.

Mr Jobes is convinced it was not a seal or piece of wood.

‘To be honest I know the difference between a piece of wood or a particular animal,’ he said.

‘I immediately did think it was a seal but it’s head was like a sheep.’

The photograph seems to show the monster's legendary "hump" plus a possible head or tail coming up out of the water. While monster fans see a monster sceptics see a piece of wood or other debris floating in the water.

To be honest the object is just too far away and blurry to tell for sure.

Yet a more impressive piece of evidence to support the existence of sea monsters (or living dinosaurs if you will) comes from a video shot off the coast of Alaska in 2009:

This clip appeared in a recent Discovery Channel documentary called "Alaskan Monster Hunt". The footage is rather impressive and the object being filmed certainly isn't a piece of wood or debris it is most certainly "alive" though exactly what it is would be open for some debate. A Cadborosaurus, frill shark, a large eel or Nessie's cousin you make the call.

I'm sure that sea monsters from around the globe are getting pretty damn irritated at all the press Bigfoot is getting and are staging more photo ops as we speak. Ogopogo and Champ could not be reached for comment.

Comic Con 2011 Torchwood Panel Clips

Source:3HeadedMonkey / Youtube

Am I pissed that I missed this? ...... Oh f$%# yeh! But I'm glad someone recorded it.

Star Wars Blu-ray Deleted Scenes Trailer

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Lisa Dullard / Youtube

Many years ago I wrote an article for the original Monster Island News about the infamous deleted scenes from "Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope". At that time the footage that was allocated to the cutting room floor had been seen very rarely and was mysteriously absent from both DVD and VHS releases of the original Star Wars trilogy. Likewise similar content from "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" had also been left out. These scenes included, but were not limited to, Biggs talking with Luke in Anchorhead, Wampas running amok in the Rebel Base on Hoth, and a Tatooine sandstorm in Jedi.

Now, after so many years, Lucasfilm has changed their mind about keeping these lost treasures ... well, "lost" .... and will include them in the upcoming Blu-ray release of the trilogy.

As a precursor to that Lucasfilm has put together a sweet little teaser with some of the scenes I mentioned to get all of us Star Wars nerds jazzed up and ready to empty our wallets at the local video store.

Here is an excerpt from my original article:

(Luke and Biggs from A New Hope)

The scene starts with a close up of Luke as he jumps from his landspeeder and climbs the stairs to the power station. Once inside we get our first look at Luke's friends. Fixer is seated behind a table with Camie on his lap. They are both asleep. Luke tosses something at them upon entering to wake them. Camie sits up with a attitude at being awoke. Lukes walks past them upon seeing his old friend Biggs has returned . Deek and Windy, two fellow farm boys are playing a type of mechanically-assisted pool with Biggs. Luke then remembers the battle he had just seen and urges them all outside. Deek and Windy don't want to leave their game.

Deek: Not again, forget it!
Windy: (angry at Biggs) Will you come back here and play the game?
Fixer: (Still waking up) What's all the noise about?
Camie: Looks like Wormie's caught too much sun.

They all exit the station and climb to the platform that surrounds the generator room. They all begin to survey the sky. Biggs soon decides that there is nothing really to see. Camie grabs the binoculars from Luke to see for herself. Luke protests and Fixer attempts to start to protect her. While Camie scans the sky Biggs gives Luke some advice.

Biggs: I tell you Luke, the Rebellion's a long way away from here. This planet? A big hunk of nothing.
Fixer: (not really caring about the space battle and not being able to take his eyes off Camie) I doubt the Empire would Evan fight to save the system.
They all head back into the station and Camie carelessly tosses Luke back his binoculars causing him to almost drop them.
Luke: Hey! Will you watch it?"
The scene ends with Luke alone outside looking at the sky as if he really saw anything.

The final sequence of the lost footage is a conversation between Biggs and Luke as they exit the power station. The two are holding cups of what is refereed to as "Malt Brew." It is at this point Biggs tells Luke of his secret plan to leave the Academy and join the Rebellion. Luke is over-whelmed by the news and left almost speechless. Luke admits that he has canceled his application to the Academy to help Uncle Owen with his farm. It is easy to see why Luke looks up to Biggs because he is living the life that he can only dream of. The two part with a handshake and Biggs leaves to find his destiny while Luke can only watch and yearn for a life of adventure.

Okay All You Trekkies At Comic Con! It's Time To Rage Against The Federation!

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Music and Lyrics By: Warp 11

Hey all my Trek loving brothers and sisters at Comic Con! This one goes out to you! Have fun, geek it up and have some blood wine on me!

Oh .... and may the Force be with all the Star Wars fans as well!

Now ... let's rock. This is for every die-hard nerd-bot in San Diego:


To boldly go - don’t you see?
Is just a ploy - it’s a f****** conspiracy
The final frontier
Is just a lie that kills thousands every year
‘Cause you and me - don’t you see
Brainwashed at the f****** academy
This red shirt - I’ll say it loud
It ain’t nothing but a f****** death shroud

The Red Shirts are dying
The Red Shirts are dying
The Red Shirts are dying
The Red Shirts are dying

We beam down, but not back
Before the break we were under attack
“Forward!” Captain cried from the rear and the front rank died
We get the orders - we make it so
We live fast but we don’t die slow
Our bones are crushed - our blood is spilled
The prime directive is to f****** get us…

The Red Shirts are dying
I ain’t lying
What they sellin’ you buying
While the Captain’s satisfying
His itch in a ditch with some green skinned b****
And the federation grows increasingly rich

I woke up
I went up
To where the captain’s gettin’ intimate
I showed up
I strolled up
I looked at him like I don’t give a s***
He looked up
His d*** up
But it fell before my scrutiny
He stood up
He f***** up
He didn’t know it was a mutiny


So we breathe our last breath
Beamed into space or choked to death
A phaser blast, a Klingon assault
Drained of blood and drained of salt
Bat’leth, poison spores
While the captain gets laid by alien whores
Our essence, understand
Distilled in a shape and crushed in a hand

Revealed! Guillermo Del Toro's PACIFIC RIM Uniform Logo

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Legendary Pictures

Something from Comic Con for us giant monster fans .... finally. The first teaser image from Guillermo Del Toro's "Pacific Rim".


Acclaimed writer, producer and director Guillermo del Toro's new film PACIFIC RIM features cast members including Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, and Rinko Kikuchi. Now the logo featured on uniforms from the film is revealed here.


Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Warner Bros

Comic Con time is upon us again and all the studios out there are going ape-shit crazy releasing new images and trailers for their upcoming projects. The latest entity to send some thing our way, Warner Bros who supplied these great promotional images for "The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey"

Above - RICHARD ARMITAGE as Thorin Oakenshield in New Line Cinema's and MGM's fantasy adventure "THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY," a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Photo by James Fisher

KEN STOTT as Balin and GRAHAM McTAVISH as Dwalin in New Line Cinema's and MGM's fantasy adventure "THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY," a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Photo by James Fisher

STEPHEN HUNTER as Bombur, JAMES NESBITT as Bofur and WILLIAM KIRCHER as Bifur in New Line Cinema's and MGM's fantasy adventure "THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY," a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Photo by James Fisher

DEAN O'GORMAN as Fili and AIDAN TURNER as Kili in New Line Cinema's and MGM's fantasy adventure "THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY," a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Photo by James Fisher

JOHN CALLEN as Oin and PETER HAMBLETON as Gloin in New Line Cinema's and MGM's fantasy adventure "THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY," a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Photo by James Fisher

JED BROPHY as Nori, ADAM BROWN as Ori and MARK HADLOW as Dori in New Line Cinema's and MGM's fantasy adventure "THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY," a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Photo by James Fisher

Godzilla 6 1/2-Inch Bandai Action Figure Assortment Case

Source: Entertainment Earth

Godzilla 6 1/2-Inch Action Figure Assortment Case:

Collectible Godzilla!
Godzilla with articulation!
Godzilla invades your collection!

This Godzilla 6 1/2-inch tall action figure case contains 12 individually packaged figures (subject to change):

4x Godzilla 2001
5x Space Godzilla
3x Gigan Final Wars

This Item Is For Sale At Entertainment Earth For $129.99 (Click Here)

Analeigh Tipton - Hot Actress Profile!

Source: Warner Bros

ANALEIGH TIPTON stars in the highly anticipated, soon-to-be-released Whit Stillman-directed feature film "Violet Wister's Damsels in Distress." She most recently co-starred with Seth Rogen in Michael Gondry's action/adventure "The Green Hornet," playing the title character's girlfriend. She will soon be seen in a multi-episode arc on "Hung" for HBO, to air in Fall 2011, and just wrapped filming yet another lead role, in "Samaritan," executive produced by Daniel Dubiecki.

Tipton, originally from Minnesota, was raised in Central California. She grew up as a competitive ice skater, competing twice in the U.S. Junior Figure Skating Championships. After moving to Hollywood, Tipton was a runner-up on cycle 11 of America's Next Top Model.

Also an accomplished artist and writer, she is currently in the process of writing her own screenplay.

Frank Miller's HOLY TERROR Teaser Video

Source: Legendary Comics

Here is your sneak peek at the trailer for Frank Miller's Holy Terror in advance of the official unveiling at the beginning of the Legendary Comics Panel at San Diego Comic-Con.

Frank Miller - the iconic writer/artist of Sin City and 300 brings you a no-holds-barred action thriller for the modern era. Join The Fixer, a brand new, hard-edged hero as he battles terror in the inaugural release from Legendary Comics:
Frank Miller’s Holy Terror – coming September.


Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Relativity Media

Comic Con time is upon us fellow Geektoids, which means that all the movie and television studios are about to unleash a whole friggin ton of stuff about their upcoming projects. The first studio to shoot stuff our way, Relativity Media.


Haywire is an upcoming action film directed by Steven Soderbergh, starring Antonio Banderas, Michael Douglas, Ewan McGregor and Channing Tatum.

After she is betrayed on a mission in Barcelona, freelancing Covert Operative Mallory Kane (Carano) is forced to protect her family and go after those who betrayed her.



Immortals is an upcoming 2011 fantasy-action drama film directed by Tarsem Singh and starring Henry Cavill, Freida Pinto, and Mickey Rourke. The film was previously named Dawn of War and War of the Gods before being officially named Immortals and is loosely based on the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur and the Titanomachy.

It is set to be released in 3-D on November 11, 2011 by Universal Pictures and Relativity Media.
Years after the Titanomachy, the Titan Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) declares war on humanity. He searches for the Epirus Bow, a legendary weapon created by the war god Ares, which will allow him to free the rest of the Titans from Tartarus and take revenge on the Olympians who brought about their downfall. In accordance with ancient laws, the gods are unable to take a side in the war between Hyperion and humanity. It is left to a peasant named Theseus (Henry Cavill), chosen by Zeus (Luke Evans) and accompanied by the priestess Phaedra (Freida Pinto) and a slave (Stephen Dorff), to protect his homeland and save the gods.



Shark Night 3D is an upcoming 3D horror-thriller film directed by David R. Ellis.

The story revolves around seven male and female college friends from Tulane University who spend a weekend at a lake house in Louisiana’s Gulf area. When their vacation quickly becomes a nightmare of shark attacks, unheard of in freshwater lakes, they soon discover that the sharks are part of a sick, greedy plan on the part of several locals.


The Raven is an upcoming film directed by James McTeigue and based on a screenplay by Ben Livingston and Hannah Shakespeare. It is due for release on March 9, 2012.

A serial killer challenges Edgar Allan Poe to solve a series of murders based on his stories.