Written By: Ken Hulsey
Sources: AMC / TCM

It's time once again to pit the two top classic movie networks against each other mano-e-mano in a cage match of Halloween programming. As in the past decade or so I have given the schedules from both networks a once over to name the king of Halloween movies.

In the early part of the last decade AMC (American Movie Classics) ruled the cable wire with their "Monsterfest" celebration of horror, monster and sci fi films. As the years moved on AMC began to migrate their programing from the "classics" to modern slasher films and my interest migrated right along with it to other networks.

Likewise TCM (Turner Classic Movies) began to pick up the slack with a better selection of films though they never put together anything as magnificent as the long-dead "Monsterfest."

That was then, this is now and TCM has put together a schedule of classic horror films for 2011 that harkens back to the good old days.

Here is your blurb from the TCM website:

Classic Horror - Mondays in October

Throughout the month leading up to Halloween, TCM presents a festival of shiver-inducing fright films highlighted by the premiere of the latest entry in our A night at the Movies documentary series, A Night at the Movies: The Horrors of Stephen King (2011). Unlike previous entries that featured the view- point of various industry insiders, this one focuses exclusively on the one- and-only master of horror storytelling, Stephen King.

Taking viewers through their darkest hours are five full nights of horror classics, arranged roughly by decade and ranging from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919) to Repulsion (1965). Also raising goosebumps will be such masterworks of the genre as Nosferatu (1922), Frankenstein (1931), Cat People (1942), House of Wax (1953) and Night of the Living Dead (1968).

Featured Films:
You don't have to take my word for it! Check out the schedules for yourself:

AMC Fearfest
TMC Classic Horror

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