Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Fon Davis

For the last couple of years I have been chronicling the progress of what looks like an amazing giant robot themed sci fi series called "M.O.R.A.V.". Late last month I got a couple of emails from the team behind the project, including creator Fon Davis, about spreading the word about a fundraiser on Kickstarter to .. well ... give the series pilot a kick start.

Giant robot fans responded to this ... and how, pledging to donate above and beyond the $40,000 Davis and his crew needed.

This overwhelming support caught Davis off guard as this message he posted on Facebook illustrates:

"I have been staring at my computer with my jaw dropped for some unknown amount of time, just taking it all in. With less than a day to go you funded MORAV: Missions.

Then I thought, what on earth can I say that would express the excitement we are feeling at my studio right now and verbalize the perfect "thank you" you all deserve for supporting our project?

I don't know what the perfect "thank you" is, so I'm just going to share.

I am deeply moved by all the work, encouragement and kind words you have all shared in your blogs, websites, groups, facebook walls and twitter feeds. When we started this campaign on kickstarter a month ago, I had no idea how emotional this whole experience would be. Every time someone would pledge some money or share our kickstarter link, I felt a warm feeling that frankly, took me off guard. It was not just money, it was a belief in our project. It was a vote of confidence. It was helping an old friend out. It was helping me realize a dream. It was supporting your local artist community. It was joining our team.

Thursday we will launch our first funded project on MORAV: Missions. I will be sure to share the experience with you so you can see what you have joined us in creating. We won't let you down!

Thank you for all the generosity and support you have given us and continue to give us. As I am typing this we are now exceeding the goal amount. You are all amazing! Keep it up! The extra will make an even better MORAV! We will spend every penny on making MORAV: Missions something you can all be proud of.

Thank you sincerely a thousand times to the moon and back!"

Fon Davis

M.O.R.A.V.: Missions Plot:

The story begins with the robot pilots and their peers testing and training then follows them through their struggles with the hardships of war. The audience witnesses the start of a global arms race to build the greatest giant robot army in the world. MORAV covers many decades chronicling the characters through a coup de'tat followed by a civil war that eventually leads to World War Three. The viewer will actually get to see the entire historic saga of robot warfare through the eyes of the men and women immersed in this reality.

If you like robot science fiction, MORAV could be what you've always wanted to see but no one has done. This kind of gritty realism is uncommon in the robot science fiction genre. The show is heavily focused on keeping stories character based and making the environment tangible. There is an effort to bring the audience into a world where robots really walk the streets. The robots in this series do not jump, fly, and shoot lasers out of their eyes. They are designed the way giant robots would be if they were real.

The Nation of Kumala. Divided into two separate states, they have endured an uneasy peace for hundreds of years, but now they find themselves embroiled in a bloody conflict that pits East and West at each other’s throats for control of the entire country.

Across the Jilta Straits lies her sister country of Tangri Island. A peaceful nation with a rich blend of traditional Asian heritage and Western-influenced modernisms and, not unlike any other paradise on Earth, there are those who wish to exploit her and take what she has to offer, no matter what the cost.

As tensions evolve into all-out war, heroes from both Tangri and Kumala unite with a corporate peacekeeping detachment of the Joint Nations Defense force in an attempt to prevent the onslaught of genocide. If they fail, the conflict could destroy Kumala and threaten not only the stability of Tangri Island, but engulf the remainder of South-East Asia into a global war.
But even as Tangri’s King deploys his historic special forces team, The Dragon Army, in an attempt to help subdue the ethnic cleansing in Kumala, the JND is secretly testing a new and devastatingly powerful robotic super-weapon on their peaceful island, one that will ravage Tangri’s future before the King’s forces have time to react.

Lines will be drawn, friendships tested, alliances forged, and the balance of military might will be forever changed by a weapon the likes of which no one has ever seen or imagined.

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