NIGHTBEASTS Scores At Midnight Black Festival Of Darkness

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Brent Thomas

I know that Bigfoot movies are a dime a dozen these days but that doesn't mean that they are all copycats or typical low-budget fodder. To be honest many of these films are quite good. One of these films that I have been talking about for the past couple of years is film maker Wes Sullivan's "Nightbeasts" which has really stood out in a sea of Sasquatch.

Apparently I'm not the only one who believes that "Nightbeasts" is one of the better Bigfoot movies out there, as well as one of the better horror movies. The film just took the Best of Genre Award in the Supernatural category at the Midnight Black Festival of Darkness beating out such films such films as Shawn Barfield and Brian Evans' "By Dawn" and Carol Sullivan's "Monster In The Closet" .

In conjunction with the festival "Nightbeasts" can been streamed in it's entirety for on $1.69. Just follow this link - NIGHTBEASTS

More on "Nightbeasts"

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