UFO Earth Base - Video Update 11/19/11

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Youtube

It has been a very long time since I posted anything about UFOs so I decided to go trolling through Youtube to see if I could find any decent video evidence. After about an hour or so I found two that seemed legit in a sea of obvious hoaxes and amateur CGI effects work.

The first is of a group of three lights shot during the daytime. Who shot the video? I don't know. Where was it filmed? I don't know.

Looks pretty legit though ...

This second video again comes from anonymous source but from the title of the clip I can ascertain that it was shot over Sacramento, Ca sometime this month (November 2011). I really like the movement of the object being filmed. I doubt that a plane would attempt such maneuvers over a town and helicopters don't fly like that.

What is it? Your guess is as good as mine.

Oh and since you've been very patient in regards to posts about UFOs I have another mysterious vid for you to think about. Bigfoot's head or another fake?

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